♡Cuarenta y Cuatro♡

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A/N: There will be mentions of depression, blood, death, and suicide in this chapter so if any of this is a trigger please skip. The bold texts are from previous chapters or things that weren't added from those chapters.

It was 2am and Lisa couldn't sleep. 

Everything that Soojin had told her kept her awake. All of these questions and theories were too much to put together that it made her open an old journal to write them down.

Was the redhead right about what she said? That every moment they shared together was just a game to Jennie. Nothing really mattered but seeing those people in her little game crumble because it satisfied her?

Lisa was confident that none of that was true and just pure bullshit. She was aware that Jennie wasn't that type of a person. She might've not been there when it happened but the way Jennie acted when Soojin brought her up, it couldn't be true.

One thing that was clear is that the red head wasn't innocent like she claimed she was. With taehyung telling her about how she caught her spreading lies about the relationship to Irene catching her smirking on the day of the funeral.

"She was infront of the casket and was just there. A smirk on her face. Not a single tear or a quiver on her lips. I couldn't hear what she was saying when she got close to seunnie but the smirk was still on her face."

Such a strange thing to do when you state that you admired them.

"I cry sometimes knowing that everyone. The love of my life. Accuse me of killing her when I considered that girl my best friend. Till this day, I want to know the real truth of her death."

Considering that Seunghee was in love with Jennie, why would 
Seunghee die because of her?

"Jealousy? could be, but not really. Jungkook and Irene claimed that Seunghee was never a jealous person. She was living a good life, so what was there to be jealous of?" Lisa said.

"Depression could be one of the matters. Some people who have been cheated on experience depression. So in Seunghee's case, It really got to her that Jennie left her for Soojin and couldn't bear the pain anymore so she decides to do commit....that is if soojin was right all along."

But how does that relate to the other topic of Soojin's?

"After she had passed away people blamed it on me!" Soojin chuckled. "Can you believe it?"

Lisa shrugs. "Why...why do they think that?"

"At that time, no one knew I had a twin sister. So when the recording was shown to us, everyone pointed their fingers at me, but it was my sister."

So far she has written what she recalls from the day on the party and some important parts of the article from the incident and court day.  While researching she found out that Soojin has a twin sister and was sent to jail for the murder of Seunghee. Her fingerprints were found on the knife and a lighter. Five stabs found but no fire touched her.

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