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A/N: thank you so much for reading this boring book and giving it a vote and comment. Your comments make me laugh and make me so happy.
I love❤😡❤you


"There must be a reason to why my students are paying more attention to you than the important review for their upcoming test. You're causing a distraction!"

Jennie rolled her eyes. "What am I even doing? I'm just breathing and paying attention to the review. It's not my fault that your students can't focus because of your issues."

"No need to give me an attitude, Miss Kim."

"No need to blame me for everything, Mrs. Peña." Jennie spat back.

Mrs. Peña mumbles a kids these days so ignorant before grabbing her marker and continuing with her lesson. Jennie was being completely honest. Today she actually wanted to learn and was paying attention.

The only problem the teacher should be  taking action on were the girls in the front. Chewing their gum loudly like as if school was their home and nobody else was in here with them. She doesn't understand how her being quiet was causing a distraction but the chewing wasn't.

"This equation is similar to the test questions that you all are going to take at the end of the month. Search for page fifty-six and start reading section 4." Mrs. Peña instructs.

When everyone reached the page and began reading and taking notes, the room fell silent. Only Jennie was unable to concentrate like the others. Remember when I said that she wanted to learn? well it was a lie. Her mind was already itching to think about something else after reading the first four sentences. More interesting.

Like the pictures that she saw yesterday.

Even in situations like this, her thoughts would keep returning to it. She kept asking herself more and more questions. Didn't the younger tell her how much the redhead bothered her? What did Lisa say that caused Soojin to seem so joyful? Soojin doesn't like Lisa, and she knew that. So why were they grinning at each other like old friends?

Nevermind. I think it's better if I just don't do anything.

Jennie lays her head on the cold desk and closes her eyes, knowing her headache was going to start. She forgot to take her pills. 


She didn't do it on purpose. The pills were long forgotten as the only thing on her mind was putting on decent clothes, having minty breath, and being on time for her first class. When she got a message from her uncle, with a picture of the pills and a text of "really nini 😒," that's when she remembered.

The pain was going to be unbearable for the next twenty minutes and not doing anything about it would just cause trouble.

"This isn't the time to be playing around. Quit wasting time!"

She picks her head up but has her eyes closed and hand covering her eyes. She listened to her but that wasn't good enough for a certain stubborn lady. "If you did what I told you to do, you would've been finished like the rest of your classmates."

"Sorry Miss." Jennie apologizes. She was trying so hard not to cuss. "May I go to the nurse?"

"Oh so now you want to skip this class?" Mrs. Peña was now exaggerating. "You missed so many days of school and want to get out of class!"

ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now