♡Cuarenta y Seis♡

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"Unnie, Unnie! Omg look at the panda. It's waving at me!"

"I guess Google wasn't lying about giraffes being the tallest animals."

Jennie doesn't regret a single thing. Seeing how the younger eyes would go big, gasp so loud like the ladies in novelas, and would hop up and down, it was worth spending her money and feeling like she was going to faint from the heat.

They had spent the entire three hours at the park, mostly exploring every area. The monkey section was the only location left, and the mere mention of it caused Lisa to grab Jennie so quickly that she nearly dropped her bag into the water fountain. At first, Lisa was enthusiastic about seeing them and even managed to get one monkey to approach her, but becoming more aware of the others, it changed.

Jennie had noticed and asked her why she seemed sad.

Lisa sighs, and lowers her hand. "They are caged in here everyday. No freedom exists for them. You can even tell Mimi is sad." and points at the monkey hiding. 

"If it really gets uncomfortable we can leave." Jennie replied gently.

Lisa doesn't say anything back. She focuses her attention back to the monkey infront of her and gives the animal another banana piece. She beams at how adorable the monkey looked as he ate the fruit.

Families were starting to approach the section and mimi was aware of it. She gets up from her knees and waves at the small monkey. "I have to go buddy. I hope everything gets better for you and your little friends."

After leaving and taking another few pictures of the famous big tree of the park, they go to their next destination. On the way there, Lisa shares how in her sixth grade year, the teacher's pranked their students and took them to a snake place and not the water park.  Their class trip had almost ended because some kid had put his finger inside a tank.

Once they arrived to the candy store, there were greeted by an old lady who informed them about the sale going on.  Lisa was amazed when they entered. The design was super cool. "Wow it's so cute!" Lisa said, her eyes wandering to everything.

It took a few minutes for the younger to decide what she wanted as there was variety of things. At last, she picked a strawberry ice cream with pecans as toppings.

"You can go look for a table and I will order." Jennie declared as she takes out a ten dollar bill from her wallet.

"No need. I'm paying." Lisa says and does the same.

"I"m the one who should be paying since i'm taking you out." Jennie replied.

Lisa didn't care. She brought money to spend as well and was starting to feel bad for letting the brunette pay for everything. "You've payed for the park entrance and the drinks. It's my turn."

"You can repay me back in another time. I promise you."

"Please Dad-" Jennie quickly covers her mouth, fearing that the cashier would hear.

"You'll pay."


Jennie had agreed to never bring Lisa  to stores similar to the one they went to. Not a single search on safari. She knew from the start, when they entered the place, that something fishy was going to happen.

ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now