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The little boy pats his pillow and then places it on top of the blue pillow. He carefully gets off the giant bed and smiles at his work. He was so proud of himself. He rarely ever makes his bed and let's his parents do it for him but now that he's almost in his last year of elementary, he considers himself a big boy. And big boys do their own bed.

He decides to go to the kitchen and eat one of those snack cakes as a reward. He tiptoes his way there, not wanting to get a scolding from his cousin. He thanks the gods that there wasn't a door to the kitchen because he would've got caught by the loud ass noise it makes when you open one. He checks the living room and the hallway before running and taking all of the snacks. He feels his heart drop seeing Lisa in the kitchen. Eyes widend.

"Noona I swear I wasn't going to steal the snacks you bought- wait. Are you crying again? What happened." He says and goes closer to her.

Lisa quickly wipes her tears and makes a confused face. "I'm not crying. Why would I be, I'm fine."

The little boy sighs and sits on her lap. He noticed she had been crying earlier when she was making breakfast and then how her eyes were puffy and nose all red. "Everybody is down because the sun is hiding."

Lisa smiles. She adores her little boy so much. "I'm sorry baby. I don't think I'm very happy today."

Tha small boy gasps. "Did bammie hurt your feelings? I will hit him with my baseball bat for you." He said with a cute frown and Lisa laughs. "No bammie didnt hurt my feelings."

"Was it that ugly teacher who forced you to do cactus homework." He asks.

"You mean calculus homework?" She says. "But I don't think he would dare to force me again after you scared him last time." She corrects him.

He smirks, remembering how Lisa's calculus teacher face looked when he threatened him that if he made Lisa do more cactus homework which caused her to miss out on their ice cream walks, he would make his life "miserable".

"Why didn't I think of this person first." He facepalm. "It's Jennie right. I knew it! Now I have to write more ideas in my journal."

"I will accept it if it's a prank but if you are planning to kill her then no."

"But porqué!" He whined. "I haven't pranked anybody since when my mom caught me and yuggie putting baby powder on bammies blow-dryer. I also don't kill. I make games that are just evil."

Lisa rolled her eyes. "It caught on fire and it burned his hair. Do you remember how annoying he was when we had to cut like three inches of it." She says as hyujin giggled.

"My fucking hair. I'm going to be bald forever." He mimicks him making lisa gasp at his choice of words.
"Say the F word again and the old lady with no eyes in the basement is going to get you in your sleep." She warns him.

Hyujin quickly hids with Lisa, trying his best to hide his body and tightly hugging her.

Lisa chuckles. "Well if your evil games aren't going to be that bad, then what is it going to be about?"

"Hmmm....right now I'm thinking about doing the blow-dryer or giving her a cake that has mayonese as frosting."

"I'll give you some time. But it can't be a dangerous prank." She reminded him and the little boy shrugged with a smirk.

"There's a lot of ideas in my head noona."


ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now