♡Cuarenta y Dos♡

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Seungmin knew something fishy was going on. Right from the start when they entered the library and were waiting for their lists, he had started speculating. Lisa would've wrapped her arm around Jennie's and talked about random things. The hickeys. That was another thing. They were covered so badly that you would think they weren't even trying to hide it. Not that seungmin found it disgusting but rather annoying. Mrs. Bae had given them their lists and the two hadn't started. They were too busy flirting and looking at their necks.

"Okay guys. We should start sorting these books so we can leave early." He said and grabbed a paper.

Lisa looks away and nods. She feels a slight blush creep up her face when she sees the look that her brother gives her. This was their third time getting caught and was going be the last one for today.

"Lili you get the mysterious book and Jennie carries the heavy old ones." Seungmin instructs.

Lisa grabs four of the books and begins making her way to the back, where the mystery and horror fiction are typically kept. She carefully steps on the long stool and gives herself a pat on the back for not falling off. She didn't carry a lot but it was enough to keep her mind focused on the job. Up to the very end, everything was going smoothly. Lisa had been fighting the urge to feel them and act like it was nothing but the urge was so strong.

Just one touch and it sparked everything.

Another whine escapes from her bright cherry lips, the heat between her legs increases as the hand on her skin continues to play with her. 

She feels herself turn weak as the older slowly kisses her.

One hand gripping Lisa's waist, Jennie trailed her fingers up her blue skirt, touching her thigh. "Such a needy girl you are. Wants to be seen by others while getting touched so badly, huh?"

Lisa whimpers, shaking her head. "Just want you. O-only you to see me like this."

Jennie laughs. "Baby thought this would be a perfect moment for her unnie to fuck her."

"I wonder what the school would think when they hear the cause of your pretty little moans."

Lisa whimpers again, desperately trying to move her hips.

"T-then I-I will-" The confidence in her drops when her eyes met Jennie's.

"You'll do what, doll?"

"...will show them who I belong too."

Lisa gasps and opens her eyes. She breathes heavily. "Y-you freak! Oh my gosh. I just…I just embarrassed myself."

Was that her? How could she act so not her. So needy and bratty. When did she ever become so submissive? 

"Jennie is going to make fun of me for the rest of my life." She dramatically says and hides her face in her hands.

"I'm going to what?"

Lisa's eyes widened. She slowly steps down from the stool, avoiding the older's stare. "I didn't say anything."

She begins to walk towards the table where the rest of the books were waiting to be shelved. The brunette doesn't talk to her and lets her finish doing her work. She had already finished with her part as it wasn't a lot so she stayed at the table, reading a book. 

ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now