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"We definitely have to protect and tell lisa about soojin."

"I think everyone knows that already."

"Jeez I was just saying." Jungkook mumbles as he rolls his eyes.

None of them had left the table when lisa and soojin left. They still had a few minutes before lunch ended so they decided to stay together and talk about their plans but it was quiet. All they were doing was overthinking and getting their memories back about her. "If she does anything to hurt my baby, I won't hesitate to burn her." Eunha said.

"I'm guessing from the gossips and the looks in your faces that my guess is correct." Sana assumes and sits next to nayeon. Jennie nods. "Yeah... she's back."

Why did she have to come back.  Everything was going fine for everybody when she decided to leave korea and move far away. Their life was slowly starting to get better and now it was perfectly okay. It was like she knew when to ruin the happiness out of people.

To say Jennie was a bit scared and frustrated was correct. She was scared for what soojin plans would be. They could be to hurt one of her loved ones again or Lisa. Make taehyung's and yugyeom life horrible again. She just knew her plans weren't going to be nice at all. Especially with the new surprises. More directed to the dangerous side.

Frustrated because she couldin't help Lisa everytime and didn't know what soojin was thinking to do. Lisa was a warm hearted girl that would help and care for a person. The blondie would be oblivious to the other's actions. How soojin could pretend she was like her, a kind hearted girl. The only difference is that she could turn to a bitch in a second and you would be begging for mercy. Lisa was the type to fall into her trap too easily.

Soojin will hear about how lisa is always with jennie and would act all lovey dovey with her. She would start planning to get rid of her so nobody would do that but her.

"Jennie you have to tell lisa about soojin. You know how she does her magic." Taehyung reminded her.

"And you think I don't know that?" Jennie says frustrated. Looking very agitated.

"Well just look out. If you see them together quickly barge in and steal lisa with you." Yugyeom stated and they all nodded.

"I'll distract her like in the past." Jennie said getting up. "But she will know either way about me and lisa."


The bell for lunch had ringed and everyone was going to the classes they had to go. Jennie and taehyung walked in the classroom and went to their desks. Before entering one of them did a quick peep to check if a certain someone was there. Thankfully there was no sight of her and the two sighed in relief.

"Did you do last night's homework?" Taehyung asks and takes out the assigned homework. Jennie smirks seeing how all the questions in the paper were not answered.

"Yeah I did but i'm not helping you out." Jennie replied and the other pouted.

"Pleasee I beg you. Mrs. Kwon told me that if I didn't turn in this one, I'll be cleaning the boys locker room and you know how bad it stinks in there." Tae pleads with hopeful eyes.

"Awh poor baby." Jennie mocks and laughs. Taehyung smirked having an idea.

"Jennie looks there a ladybug on your backpack!" He said and she rolled her eyes. "Great job tae. That sure-"

"What is soojin doing here?"

"Bitch what."

He snatched the paper away from her hands. "Thanks Jen. Knew my bestie could help me out." He said blowing a kiss.

Jennie didn't say anything back. Soojin was actually here and she was walking towards them. "Tae you dumbass. She's actually here." She hiss and taehyung shrugged.

"Haha very funn-"

"Jennie, baby, I missed you." Soojin said and hugged her. Taehyung eyes widen and he looked up to see the gross moment. Jennie cringed and backed away. "Soojin don't touch me."

"Awe but I miss doing that. Especially your kisses." Soojin pouted. "Is this seat reserved?" She asked.

"Yes by taehyung."

Taehyung panicked. "O-oh n-no. I think jennie forgot that the teacher switched our seats yesterday." His heart was beating fastly.

"Forgettable baby. Oh and Hi taehyungie. I missed you also." Soojin smirked.

Taehyung faked a smile and went back on working on his homework.

"Baby I missed you so much. You don't understand how much." Soojin continued to whine. Jennie rolled her eyes. She didn't want to hear her voice. "When school is done we can go to my house and finish our mak-"

"Soojin shut up. You're so fucking annoying. More annoying than li-" Jennie stoped mid-sentence. "Than who?" Jennie questioned.

"Lizzy. You're more annoying than jeongin's girlfriend." Jennie s replied. Soojin chuckled, patting her cheeks.

"Your cheeks are so fluffy princess. Cute and chubby."

'Only lisa can say that' Jennie and taehyung said in their head.

Soojin was about to kiss her cheek again until the art teacher saved the day and came in.

"Good morning children." The art teacher happily said. "Please take out your sketchbooks. Today is going to be fun."

Soojin layed her head on jennie shoulder while smiling. Jennie turned around to give taehyung a look.

'Save me' she mouthed.


jennie you're confusing us 🧐

ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now