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"Kill me."

Jennie was now inside her house, feeling exhausted after being in school for seven hours. All the drama, tea, learning and numbers were too much for her even though she likes school. (ew) The house was smelling delightful and her stomach growled.

"Empty tummy needs to eat." Jennie patted her tummy before running to the kitchen and seeing her aunt flip pancakes. She looked at the pan and did heart eyes. "Pancakes?" She yelled and her aunt screamed.

"Jennie what the heck!" Mrs. Jung was trying to regain her breathing back. "I could've had an heart attack."

"Dude I was listening to heart by exo seconds ago. Are you secretly spying on me?" Jennie mentioned and Mrs. Jung glared. "Not the time." And went back to flipping.

"Mom are you making chocolate or strawberry pancakes?"

"I'm doing both since I know you don't eat at school and like to eat both of the flavors." Mrs. Jung replied.  Jennie smiled like a happy child. She took a seat as she took her phone out going to see what her idols have posted.

Nothing new but just seeing some of her idols looking pretty and handsome. Plus meme pictures. Her mom aka Mrs. Jung was done doing the pancakes and were now in plates ready to be eaten. They didn't say anything in the beginning until Jennie decided to ask how was her day.

"It was a bit tiring. My manager kept nagging us and was acting like an asshole, but not much of a difference. How was your day?"

Jennie dramatically sighed. "It was tiring for me too. It all began in lunch when Jisoo was shouting at my face at how I hurt that annoying brat's heart and then I have two new projects and my dance teacher orderd me to do my splits by today and I can't do that."

Mrs. Jung pouted, patting jennie's shoulder. "Aren't you flexible enough to do the splits?" She said and Jennie nodded. "Yeah but like my legs are so  sore." She says. "Well the two projects aren't due after christmas break."

"True very true."

"So what did you do to your soulmate?" Mrs. Jung asked.

"Well Yesterday I was reading this book and like I was really into it and kinda related to it. Lisa kept bugging me and bugging me until I snapped. I expressed 'nicely' how I felt about her. And she is not my soulmate." Jennie explained for the third time.

"Those words were?" Mrs. Jung said getting up to grab a banana.

"That she was so annoying and nobody likes a person like that....and also that I was the only person in school that she didn't make happy."

"Hmm. Well those words do hurt her since she's like sensitive. Right?" Jennie nodded. "But I know there is something missing here.." Mrs. Jung speculated. "You didn't tell her something more?"

Jennie shook her head in confusion. "Not that I remember..."

"Well I do know a puzzle piece is missing but you just have to figure it out." Mrs. Jung said and Jennie groaned. "Gosh. Thanks mom."

Mrs. Jung smiled. "You're welcome bun."

"I'll clean the dishes later. I have to finish doing homework." Jennie said before giving a kiss on her mom's cheek and leaving the kitchen.

What's the missing puzzle?



Jennie couldin't concentrate.

She kept thinking of what other words did she tell lisa to make her more upset.

The only thing she could remember  from yesterday was telling her she's dumb and to stop smiling everyday because it's cringy even though it was cute. Jennie chewed some gum since whenever she needed help it worked.

"Hmm? What did I say before yesterday?" Jennie looked at the tv and saw the powerpuff girls playing. "Nothing but usual I'm guessing."

Jennie thought about Wednesday.
She closed her eyes and squinted.


"Ugh this is harder than math!" She yelled frusturated.

What a loser.

Jennie gave up and went back on working on her homework. She finished doing at least four questions, but they were easy.

"What's the orgin of the number?"
Jennie went blank.

"Unnie do I make you uncomfortable or does my presence make you feel annoyed?."

"Unnie do you find my voice horrible?"

"If I was your soulmate woul-"

"Oh my fucking fuck! I finally figured it out mom!" Jennie shouted, getting up from her bed and running to the kitchen.



Lisa just wants to be with her unnie but jennie keeps being a pissed
Girlie 😖🤧

Hope yall enjoyed.
Hasta al otro chapter♡

ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now