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Four days have passed since their argument and they didn't bother to talk. Giving each other the cold shoulder and never showing up to the library.

Their friends noticed when they would talk about a funny moment that happened before and their name were brought up. At first everyone thought it was a joke but when Tzuyu asked Lisa for confirmation it was revealed to not be.

So now here they are.

Being stubborn and in their feelings.

"The world isn't ending soon, Lili. You'll get your chance with her one day, and if that doesn't happen, there's plenty of fish in the sea." Tzuyu said, trying to comfort the sad blue-haired girl.

"I know it's not. I'm just feeling very upset." Lisa replies.

"Soojin and Jennie are probably not even dating. I know that cold bitch isn't that dumb to be dating the person who destroyed somebody's life." Jisoo adds.

Lisa doesn't say anything about that. She takes a bite out of her fry before going back to covering her face. It was barely fourth period and Lisa was already shedding tears and not being the sunshine like she usually is. Her classmates were surprised at the new change and how down she looked. They wondered what had gotten her sad.

"Lili you need to realize that Jennie does not like her. She loves you!" Sorn said softly.

"Loves me?" Lisa fake a laugh. "Have you been living under a rock? She finds me obnoxious and dumb. She continues to lie to my face even when the truth is right infront of her face!" Lisa said furious.

"She finds you annoying but never walks out or leaves you alone after saying her iconic word." Jisoo says and earns a 'really' look from her friends. "Nevermind."

"Guys leave her alone. Lisa is going through something." Tzuyu said and Lisa nods.

"Fine then. But we're just speaking facts!" Chaeyoung pouts.

Let's see how the other group is dealing with this.

"Jennie what the hell did you do? I swear to the freaking sky that I will shove you to the gorillas cage if you say that you have feelings for that bitch." Eunha says angrily.

"Eunha shut the fuck up. Leave me the fuck alone you midget." Jennie hissed with a glare before going back to covering her face like the other.

"We want an explanation!" She continues to press.

"Eunha, baby, chill." Sowon said, pushing the mad girl's shoulders down so she could cool down.

"Jen what's with you and soojin?" Jungkook asked.

"You two were secretly dating. .. and you didn't tell us?" Joy said in a disappointed tone.

"How the fuck do you want me to chill sowon? Didn't you just hear the ridiculous news."

Jennie rolls her eyes. "How do you want me to answer your fucking questions if I don't even know what the hell is going on." She looks at them, pissed. "You dumbasses have been assuming for the past five minutes and throwing insults at me when none of you fuckheads know what happened that day. Just for once- " She paused, knowing that words she didn't mean would escape her mouth.

Jennie grabs her backpack and leaves the table.

That's all she's been doing.


ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now