♡Cuarenta y Nueve♡

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"High school carnival?"

"Yes. We're bringing it back."

Lisa groans. "I thought the principal said that school carnivals in our area were canceled forever because of the accident in 2016."

Three years ago, the carnival went up in flames. The fire was caused by one of the students who forgot to put it down. The section over which he was in charge was for anyone who wanted a treat of marshmallows. A lot of things were burned, and a few people were injured and burned, but no one died. A week later, everyone was gathered in the gym, and it was announced that the traditional carnival wouldn't happen.

"I thought the same but she said something about wanting to feel adrenaline of the rides. But we all know it's because of the money." Jisoo replies, taking out her notebook.

Lisa could already feel the headaches and pain in her legs. She hated being included in carnivals. Having to be running up and down to check if everybody is doing the correct things and helping her classmates in the heat. A literal nightmare.

Plus it's during the exam period.

"The weird kids wanted the knife game to be included." Jisoo said. "I'm definitely not adding that to the list."

"Agree. It'll give the principal another reason for her to torture us if it's ends badly."

Jisoo nods. "Wanna know something else? Everyone is invited this year. Every school near us, adults, kids, us. Even insects!"


"Ding! Ding! Ding! What would you like for a prize?" Jisoo said while trying to control her laugh.

"For my lucky charm to appear."

"Well today's your lucky day."

Jennie casually walks in the cafeteria, bear onesie still on and a straight expression on her face. As always, people are staring and uttering pointless opinions. Jennie got used to it and didn't care. What she did care about was seeing her bundle of joy. 

"My cute overthinker?" She said and Lisa lifts her face and smiles. Feeling overly happy.

"Oh thank god you're here." She sighed with relief and got up to move so Jennie could sit next to her.

"What happened?"

"I told her about the principal bringing back the carnival and your little drama queen is stressing over it." Jisoo briefly explains.

Jennie did a quick 'oh', surprised. "That's something I never expected to hear. Is it bad to say that I'm excited?"

"See even your girlfriend thinks it's excting."

Before Lisa got to deny anything, Jennie had interrupted her, mentioning the time where her and jungkook scared the seniors by pretending to be clowns and chasing them inside the tent. Lisa and Jisoo noticed but didn't point it out.

"You guys had a great time but me and my team had the worst. We had to stay and clean up the mess which took two hours while you and the group got to eat." Lisa said with a pout.

Her team had signed their signatures to prove that they worked the entire time and didn't break any of the rules. Lisa remembers that one of the football boys made a joke about the mess they made inside one of the rides. Their voices and laughter was so loud. Just when she was going to step out the locker room, a tall man and what seemed his bodyguards, were holding bags, two big trashcans next to them, and a broom.

The man declared that no one was leaving until every trash was picked up and it looked like a carnival never happened.

She was so bummed out because the group planned out to eat a famous diner place and she couldn't go.

Lisa had finally understood why so many other people found the team annoying.

"Well? if that happens again, just know that I'll be waiting for you in the car eating my food and drinking sweet tea." Jennie said and lays her head on her lap.

Lisa rolled her eyes."When it happens to you, I won't be waiting for you in the car. I'll be in my car, eating my food and sprite!"

Jennie snorts. "You don't even have a car-"

"Who cares! I'll be in my bed eating and you'll be picking up cotton candy sticks!" Lisa says.

Jisoo smiles, finding their bickering amusing as Jennie laughs. "I'm just playing with you, Lili. I will help out." Jennie states.


"I promise." Jennie says and their pinkies interlock.

The rest of their lunch was spent of them talking about the funny moments from the carnival and how one of their teachers were annoying. While Jennie and Lisa were sharing their lunch, Soojin passed by, not close enough to be seen by the other two, but close enough for Lisa to see. They accidentally make eye contact and the raven haired knew that her and Jennie's closeness was pissing her off.

I win this time.




🧡🧡🧡🧡😡🧡🧡🧡thank you so fucking much, i don't deserve this.
I love you all♡♡😞

ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now