♡Cuarenta y Cinco♡

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Lisa told her everything. Revealing the things Soojin said to her yesterday to the theories that she came up with. How she believes Soojin manipulated everyone. How there was something strange going on with her and her father.  Jennie listened and didn't say a word until Lisa started asking her questions. Within those answers, she proved that some of the points from Lisa were true.

"Soojin never thought of her as a best friend. It was so obvious that she found Seunnie as an enemy. From spreading lies about her to the school which no one believed, threatened her that if she didn't end our relationship she would spread more lies, and then killing her. She hated her." Jennie said.

"So it's true that she wasn't affected by Soojin's lies and threats?" Lisa asked. 

"Not from the lies but the threats, she was. At first she brushed it off and told me there was nothing to worry about. Telling the principal about the issue was a waste of time but weeks went on and they were getting to her. I don't know what else Soojin told her but it was causing harm to seunghee and our relationship. I notified the principal and he didn't do anything. Her parents were given the same response. Told them there was no evidence and it was "girl things." Jennie explained.

"But you two didn't break up right? You never cheated on her."

Jennie shakes her head, no. "We didn't and I never cheated on her. All lies from Soojin." 

"On our tenth date, Seunghee tells me that she needed some time to herself. She assured me that I didn't do anything wrong and she just wanted to figure things out. The only thing she wanted me to do was wait and trust her. To be honest, It was a great idea. She seemed more confident and happier coming back. It made me happy." Jennie continued. "Do you get where this is going?"

Lisa nods instantly. "Soojin thought since she didn't see you two being together for some time, that you guys broke up and thought this was a chance for you and her to get back together! Right? That's what she meant by your guys' story ending."

"I feel like soojin used a few of your moments when you used to date to prove seunghee that you wanted her back."

Jennie nodded. "She did. I remember laughing when seunghee told me that because she really was that desperate to get me back. The part of me running back to her and saying she was the person I only loved was what SHE did when I declared our break up."

Lisa gasps. "Oh! That was her breaking point then. Soojin realized that her lies weren't working on Seunghee and that you guys never broke up. S-so…"

She kills her, tries to flame her body in fire, uses her sister, and still gets away with it.

Lisa could feel Jennie's sorrow cloud the atmosphere, her eyes trying to diminish the tears pooling as she looked upward. Her voice breaks when she apologized for getting emotional but Lisa understands. A small smile erupts when she feels Lisa wraps their hands together. To let her know that she was there for her. For comfort.

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