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Part 2


Mr. Jung captures everyone's attention when he runs into the hospital and questions the nurse who could not interpret what he was saying. She tells him to calm down so their jobs could be easier and he could go visit the patient.


"Jennie Kim."

"She's not in the list." The lady replies and Mr. Jung furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean she isn't here? I called the doctor yesterday and he told me the name of the hospital. I am in the right place so if you don't-"

She laughed. "I'm just kidding sir. Jennie Kim is upstairs in the B building. Room 209."

A/N: Yall can already picture how mad my aunt looked when this happened to her. She was so close to beating his ass 😭.

"Do you find it amusing that people are concerned about their family life? "I'm going to report you-" He said angrily as the nurse rolled her eyes.

"Report me all you want old man but I won't leave this place any soon. So don't waste your time." The nurse said with a small smirk on her face. "I would go now. Your poor little Jennie is waiting on you."

He glares at her one more time before running upstairs as fast as he could while trying to find the correct number.  He hasn't been here since the incident of Jennie's mom. He felt a bit nostalgic. It felt like he was experiencing the same thing from years ago.

He sighs with relief seeing the numbers 209, but the sight of Jennie lying in a hospital bed did not calm all his nerves.

"You are Mr. Jung right?"

He flinched and turns around. "Are you the girl that called me two days ago?"

"Yes. I'm very glad that you made it." Chaeyoung said. "Would you like some coffee?"

"No but thank you. Where's the Doc?"

"I was waiting for you sir so she could tell us. Let me go bring her here."

Mr. Jung nodded and the orange-haired girl ran with a big smile on her face as she went to search the stubborn doctor. 

"Oh Jennie. I think you're slowly turning the same as what your mother got." He says, getting closer to her. "I just hope it doesn't turn out worse."

The sound of the monitor began to remind him of more things. "Everyone was afraid when the doctor told us she was going into a coma. We thought she was going to die. Scared that you wouldn't be with your loving mother."

"Lose all of her precious memories because of her stupid soulmate who is now a useless piece of shit."

"Your dad didn't deserve your mom. She used to be so caring and outgoing and now she's the opposite."

The day her brother found her unconscious.

"Blood and Bruises on her body. Broken mirrors, blood on the wall, knifes and gosh I don't even want to continue. The whole house was destroyed because of him. T-they took her to the hospital and recieved bad news. She was in a coma for three months."

"She lost all her memories but you could help her remember them. "

Sad thing is that Mrs. Kim was stubborn and only wanted to remember her parents. Not even her daughter, Jennie. Mr. Kim left korea feeling bad about himself and never came back to showing his face ever again.

Mrs. Kim is living with her parents. She sometimes visits Jennie while thinking she is her "friend"

"you know jennie. . I wish I had children. My family has told me I have one but I know they're lying. I can't have kids because of my condition." She tells jennie every single time without knowing her child is right infront of her. Oblivious to the pain.



Running out of love and not working things out.

The reasons why the Kim's family can't be fixed.

"Jennie had a very low blood pressure. I asked her some questions earlier and she told me that she kept having headaches these past couple months. Having really bad anxiety and feeling pain in her upper body." The doctor explained briefly. "From what I've read, this time it was too much for her and fainted."

"It has happend to her mother before but only one thing left out." Mr. Jung says.

Doctor Ellie hummed. "Miss the upper pains means its something about her soulmate tattoo right?" Chaeyoung asked.

"It could be that or something more serious, but seeing a number has appeard its the tattoo. So you two don't have to worry about the other harmful things." She assured them.

"Here are a few pills for the pain to subside at least. I told Jennie to take two pills a day, but she probably forgot, so please remind her."

Mr. Jung almost cried in happiness when the tali with the doctor was over. The situation wasn't that harsh like how Mrs. Kim suffered but he had to still take care of her.

"I feel like I'm forgetting something very special in my life. What do you think it is?"


which one is better?

Fluff angst or both?

This book has reached 15k.

Hope you enjoyed.♡♡

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