♡Treinta y Siete♡

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The red head doesn't bother to greet back the guards that were securing the place. She removes the black clips that were holding the strands of her hair and slides them inside her pockets.

She let's out a tired sigh as she takes off her shoes and her covered feet touches the cold floor. Today had been such a tiring day. Going to school and then working with people who irritated her, including stuck up rich people. All she wanted to do was be alone and sleep in her bed.

Rushed footsteps could be heard and that meant one of the maids was going to give her more information that she didn't want to hear. "M-madam Seo. Your father wants to speak to you."

"What does he want? Soojin asks as she passes the jacket to her. "Mr. Seo did not tell." She replies. "Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes."

"He can wait." Soojin tsked and laid on the fluffy couch, closing her eyes. "Wake me up when dinner is ready."


Her short nap didn't last long as Mr. Seo had woken her up and demanded her in his office not a minute longer. She gives up on doing what she wants to do and follows behind him with a frown on her face.

"Is it good news or bad news." She asks, breaking the silence.

"You'll know when you take a seat." Mr. Seo said and locks the door.

Soojin rolls her eyes. This grumpy old man was always serious and tough on her.

"What's so important than me eating my food?"

"Hm I don't know Soojin. Maybe the fact that you're going back to your old ways and that's it's going to ruin our perfect reputation!" He bursts.

"Going back to my old ways?" Soojin furrowed her eyebrows, extremely confused. "What do you mean by that?"

Mr. Seo sighs, sliding his hair back. "Don't act stupid Soojin. I don't want to get phone calls from your teachers and the principal that you're behaving badly. Again."

Oh so this is what's it about.

"This is our third time moving to different countries because you're irresponsible self can't be normal like others in your school!"

"These teachers can't take a fucking joke because all I do is try to bring the atmosphere up." Soojin said. Mr. Seo scoffed. "By being disrespectful?"

"Oh for christ sake! You're acting like as if I killed someone."

"And I hope it doesn't happen again."

"Whatever." Soojin got up from her chair and started walking to the door. She was angry. Angry because she's trying her best but nobody not even her dad sees it. He was supposed to trust her. That was the whole part of the deal. Trust.

"If there's news of you killing another innocent person I won't hesitate to tell the truth to court. Remember sweetheart. We made a deal." Mr. Seo said. Almost sounding like he was mocking her.

She opens the door and turns to face him. The sneer on her face irritates the elder male. "I'll be seeing you in court as well right? Because let's not forget. You too were involved in that case. You helped your daughter escape from murder. Don't you remember daddy? We made a plan."

With that, she leaves the room with victory in her hands. Did he really think that mocking her and using her own tactics would make him seem more powerful. She will admit, her dad was smart but not smarter than her. The day he steps in the police room and tells the truth, everything will crumble. Soojin and her sister have proof he was involved so there was no way out of it.

ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now