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Today the two seniors had been together for their last class of the day. Something about Lisa's math teacher having to attend an emergency and her class had to join another math teacher class since they couldn't be alone due to the school rules. You can already picture how happy Lisa looked when she saw the brunette sitting in the back, writing notes. Plus. There was an empty chair next to her.

She knew not to interrupt Jennie so she pretended to pay attention and sneak some glances at her which the other was thankful for not talking to her in one of her important classes.

Thirty minutes later, the last bell ringed and Lisa instantly talks about how she's so glad that it was finally the afternoon. The walk to the library was just Lisa talking and Jennie listening to her and humming.

When they enter the library, Lisa brings up a familiar question from last night. "Chocolate or strawberries?"

Jennie sighs. "Again with the same question? I thought you were okay with my silent response. "

"Well I clearly lied. Now....chocolate or strawberries." The younger asks again, looking at jennie with a serious expression.

"Are you not going to change the subject if I don't answer the question?"

"Strawberries or chocolate?"

"Fine! I like both. Can we talk about something else?" Jennie whispers angrily.

Lisa smiles, "It took you long enough. You should've just answerd my question yesterday."

Jennie rolled her eyes. "Well I did now so start a different topic."

"Hm, well yesterday when I was in the bathroom, this couple was having this argument about how yogurt and ice cream tasted the same or they didn't. What's your opinion on it?"

Jennie slightly closes her binder, actually interested on this topic. "If you think about it ice cream is unhealthy and has a lot of calories while yogurt is healthy and doesn't have so many  calories. Another obvious thing is how they taste." Jennie voices.

"Look at my future girlfriend talking all smart. I'm so lucky that you're going to be mine." Lisa said while poking jennie's cheek.

Jennie glared, taking her finger off. "Me and you are never going to be soulmates. You can go on dreaming."

"You never know unnie. Mother Alyssa could match you with me for karma." Lisa joked while taking a bite of her lollipop.

'You never know' the three words everybody would tell her when she would deny that lisa would never be her soulmate.

"If you're my soulmate I'll promise to take care of you. I will do anything to make that beautiful smile of yours to appear because it makes me happy."

"What if I'm not yours?" Jennie decided to ask. "Would you still fight for me?"

Lisa closes her eyes, sighing at the question."This is really going to surprise you but I....I wouldin't fight for you."

"You wouldint?" Jennie said in shock. "B-but wouldin't your heart...."

"What's the point of fighting for you if you don't love me back? What's the point if you already have an assigned soulmate that isn't me. It would break my heart but that's how life is." Lisa says.

"So you would just....give up?" Jennie says lowly, still shocked.

Lisa nods. "None of the things that I will do will change the fact that you're destined with someone else. I can't force you to love me because its just wrong and its pointless."

"What if. What if I never tell you?"

"Then I would assume you're in love with me."

Jennie's eyes widend. "In love with you? Are you out of your mind?!"

Lisa slightly smirks. "There's no other good reason for you not telling me you have a soulmate. You should feel happy and tell me straight away but for some strange reason you can't? Why would that be, unnie?"

she's right.

you always deny the idea of you two being together so why when you get your tattoo you suddenly can't tell her to stop her actions?

"Um well... what if my soulmate is you but yours is somebody different!" Jennie ignores her question.

"What's with all these questions?" Lisa asked, opening her eyes. "Did one of my numbers appear in your skin, unnie?"

"I only asked you two." Jennie defends.

"You want the answer?" Lisa smirks again.

"Well duh that's why am asking you."

"Kiss me."


"Yes my love?"

"Ugh! You're so annoying." Jennie said in frustration. Lisa laughed but then choked. The lollipop was in her mouth.

Jennie sighed going to patt the annoying brat back harshly. "O-ouch Nini that h-hurts." Lisa said.

"Yeah I know." Jennie smiled.

"Unnie that's kinda. What is that word Nayeon Unnie  says when shes with her girlfriend..kiky? Or kinnie?"

"Yeah kinnie."

"Okay you can stop. You're going to break my back and then you'll be in jail."

"For patting your back?" Jennie said glaring.

"Nope for stealing my hea-" Lisa didn't get to finish her sentence since jennie threw her a pillow.

"Mrs. Manoban that's not very nice of you. You're hurting your wife."

"You're such an annoying brat." Jennie said before going back to eating and reading.

"I know I am but I'm your annoying brat."


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ngl but this is one of my favorite chapters. like it's just lisa being lisa and flirting and teasing nini. nini being really nervous for the first time and slightly rethinking her choices 😹

Hope you enjoyed♡

ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now