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Jennie slowly opened her eyes to a fuzzy white ceiling. Her body is aching. People screaming and strange voices asking her if she could hear them making her more dizzy.

"Doctor, she has awakened!" The nurse informed the worried woman.

"Send her to a different-"

Jennie winces. "Could you two be quiet. I have a raging headache." She says. She lifts her hand to touch her head but quickly puts it down back, the awful pain preventing her.

"I think she has the condition to the other patient we attended earlier. Something related to the soulmate effect." The nurse informs, noticing how Jennie's neck was turning red.

"Take her to the room upstairs. We have to check her neck." The doctor orders before leaving.

The nurse looks down and smiles in comfort. "Sweetie try to breathe slowly."

"E-extra checking? Excuse m-me but nobody is checking m-m...."

The brunette couldn't finish her sentence as everything went black.


"So what you're telling me is that she was on the floor, unconscious, blood everywhere, and the cause of her hands, looking bloodied and bruised is because of the mirrors?"

"Yes. I don't know if one of the nurses or you have checked, but there was a little bit of blood on the back of her head." Chaeyoung said.

The doctor nods. "Well there is a lot to explain but I have to talk to her family. Are you related to miss Kim?"

Chaeyoung shook her head. "Sadly No. Jennie's parents aren't available. Well they don't really care about her but you can trust me!"

"I can only tell a patients information to her family." The doctor says.

"Doctor please. None of her close family is available to talk or come home due to work." Chaeyoung explains.

"Are you sure there is nobody? Not even her aunts or grandparents?"

"Well..her Uncle could but he lives far away from here-"

"Then contact him. I could tell you what we found out about her if I see him up-close."

Chaeyoung wanted to punch the stubborn doctor, but not wanting to go to jail, she gives up and calls Jennie's uncle. It took her about an hour to get a call back from the old man.

"Yes Mr. Jung. She is in the hospital."

"What the heck happend to my child? Who hurt her? Who Do I need to kick their ass?" The uncle asks, sounding pissed.

ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now