•❊Distinguished|Part Two❊•

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"And that's the class for the day," he spoke, making everyone breathe a sigh of relief. The teacher, you had known to be Professor Michael Jackson, was a thorough man. His teaching methods were amazing, and it was clear that he was very smart. You closed your exercise book and placed it in your bag as everyone began to leave the lecture theater.

"Ugh, I'm so glad that class is over," Luisa grinned at you. "I have an hour until my next class,"

You giggled and shook your head. "I have the rest of the day free," you wiggled your eyebrows.

Suddenly, you heard someone clear their throat. You turned your head and saw that Michael was standing by your seat. Luisa gasped ans your eyes widened.

"I was correct," he looked at you. "You are the young lady that I bumped into, earlier," he studied you.

"I...." Luisa trailed off and stood up. "Need to get going,"

You turned to look at her and she winked before walking out. You groaned inwardly and turned back to look at Michael.

"What is your name?" he asked softly.

"(Y/N)," you stood up, realizing just how much taller he was compared to you. You placed the handle of your back over your shoulder and flashed him a small smile. "Again, I'm sorry for bumping into you,"

"Don't apologize," he responded. "Things like that...happen," he kept his eyes on you. "You say your name is (Y/N)...that is a lovely name," he still looked as though it were hard for him to breathe.

"T-Thank you," you frowned a little.

"(Y/N), I wonder if you would be able to help me. There are a few papers in my office that I need to be sorted, and I would appreciate it...if you could help me," he spoke lowly.

"Uh...okay," you nodded. "Sure, I could help you,"

"Right, I'll lead the way to my office. Follow me,"


You walked behind Michael, and eventually, he arrived at his office door. He opened it gently and stood aside to let you in. You brushed past him, and he seemed to hold his breath when you did so. You frowned a little as you stood in the middle of the office. The entire room looked clean, and there were stacks of paper everywhere.

There were two desks, one seemed to be the one he was using, and the other seemed to be a spare.

Michael shut the door and turned to face you. "The papers are there," he gestured to the spare desk. "Each of them are numbered, and I'd like for you to organize them in ascending order,"

"Okay," you said in a meek manner.

You walked over to the spare desk, and picked up a few of the papers. There were a whole lot of them.

"Do you have any other classes today?" he inquired.

"N-No," you shook your head.

"Good, then perhaps you can spend some time here, I really could do with the help," he smiled a little, and you saw that his teeth were very white, and they looked sharp.

You nodded and began to sort through the papers as Michael took a seat at his desk. There was a small chair for you to sit on, but you chose to stand. Michael seemed to be marking test papers, and his hands seemed to be moving very fast.

You spent a few minute sorting through the papers before you felt a sharp pain in your index finger. You had gotten a paper cut.

"Ah," you looked at the wound, and saw that it was bleeding.

You saw Michael's head snap up, and he stood up quickly, just staring at you. You frowned and watched him as he looked as though he were struggling to breathe.

"Just a paper cut," you laughed a little.

Michael stayed silent and clenched his jaw.

"(Y/N), perhaps that's...enough for today," he swallowed. "I think you've...done enough," he walked toward the office door and opened it.

You frowned further and shook your head. "Sir, it's just a paper cut. I can still-"

"(Y/N)," he cut you off. "It's better if you leave. Now,"

You bit your lip and walked out of the office, brushing past him again - making him hold his breath. You turned around to address him, but he slammed the door shut - leaving you on your own, and confused.

I hope this didn't suck!
Thank you so much for reading!
Lemme know your thoughts!❤
Lots of love!

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