•❊Distinguished|Part Fourteen❊•

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"Fine," you let out a sigh and got up from the bed, slowly bringing yourself to your feet. Your head still hurt, but you wanted to get away from Michael. You did not want him to hurt you. Michael took a step toward you, but you backed away quickly. "I uh...won't tell anyone," you bit your lip hard.

"(Y/N), I'm not going to hurt you...I promise," he kept his eyes on you.

You looked away and swallowed. "Where...is my purse?" you asked.

Michael stared at you for a minute before gesturing to the item that was laying on the bedside table. You walked over to it and grabbed your purse, letting out a sigh as you moved to walk past Michael.

He seemed to be struggling to breathe again, and now you finally understood why. He could smell your blood. Clearing your throat, you addressed him.

"What's the way out?"

"(Y/N), perhaps you need more rest-"

"What is the way out?" you repeated yourself.

Michael sighed and shook his head. "Go down the staircase, you'll see the large front doors. They're already open,"

Taking one last look at the man, you moved, opening the bedroom door and stepping out without bothering to shut it. Spotting the staircase, you rushed down it before you saw the large front doors. As you got closer to the exit, a female voice caught your attention from the back of you.

"Just as Michael said, the doors are open for you," she said as you turned around to see Janet.

"Did you...hear...our conversation?" you frowned.

"Yes," she nodded. "I can," she cocked her head to the side. "It's a part of my ability,"

Your face fell slightly and you nodded. "Well, thanks for the....hospitality," you chewed on your lip. "But I need to go now," you held your purse close and rushed out.

You needed to clear your mind.


You had made your way back to the campus grounds, and saw a huge group of people, gathered around in a large circle. Everyone was talking, and everyone looked distracted, almost as if they were concerned.

A frown formed on your face as you walked up to the site. Your jaw fell open and your eyes widened when you saw that a very pale female was laying there - dead. She had two bit marks on the side of her neck, and she had been drained of all blood.

Straight away, you knew that it was Michael who was behind the scene. You remembered spotting him, hunched over a female.

Tears formed in your eyes as you fought the urge to throw up. You were utterly shocked.

You could not bear to see the sight anymore, so you walked away. As you rushed, you bumped into Mason. When he saw you, his face just lit up.

"(Y/N), hey - woah," he noticed how pale you looked. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just wanted some alone time," you mumbled. "Please excuse me,"

Mason called out your name, but you didn't respond. You let your feet take you to the less occupied area of the campus.

"(Y/N), you can do this," you whispered to yourself. "Just forget that they exist,"

Suddenly, you bumped into a female. When you looked up - you saw Janet.

This one sucked!
Thank you so much for reading!
Lemme know your thoughts!❤
Lots of love!

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