•❊From Within❊•

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You were seated at the desk, in the study room, scribbling notes on a small piece of paper. You hummed a soft tune as you concentrated on what you were doing, not necessarily paying attention to anything else around you. The Neverland mansion was quiet, and Michael - your husband of sixteen years, was at the studio, currently filming for a short film of his.

Your three beautiful children had gone out for the day, leaving you on your own. Edward, Violet, and Sophia were the names of your angels, and you adored them to death. Edward was 14, Violet was 12, and Sophia was 10 - they and Michael were your entire life. They made you happier than ever.

It was midday, and the sun was shining brightly, making the day seem brighter than usual, something you were grateful for. A beautiful day worked as inspiration for you, especially when it came to the important lessons of life.

Downstairs, you could hear a few of the maids cleaning up the kitchen - but the noise did not bother you at all, you were far too focused on what you had been doing.

Suddenly, you heard the front doors open and close loudly, followed by the sound of a familiar groan. Looking up, you realized that the groan belonged to Michael, you would have known it anywhere. The study room door was closed, so you quickly stood up and rushed to it, pulling it open. When you did that, Michael had passed - and he was on his way to the bedroom that the two of you shared.

Frank, his manager, had been following behind him, but when he noticed you - he stopped, setting his hands on his hips as he shook his head.

"What the hell is going on?" you were quite confused. "Why is Michael so mad?"

"Ugh," Frank brought the palm of his hand to rest against his forehead. "It's..." be shook his head.

"What happened?" you pressed.

Frank let his hands fall to his sides before he directed his full attention to you. "The director of the short film...he...insinuated that Mike is...ugly," he closed his eyes briefly before opening them again. "And that upset Mike a great deal,"

Your eyes widened as you let out a breath. "What exactly did the director say?"

"I don't know, Mike won't tell me," he breathed. "But I think the director wanted to edit the Invincible album cover.....to alter his appearance,"

A frown formed on your face as you folded your arms. "Okay," you nodded. "I'm going to check on him," you prepared to walk. "Would you like to stay for a cup of tea or something?"

"No thanks, I've got somewhere to be right now," he waved slightly. "But I certainly do hope that you can get through to Michael,"

"I'll do my best," you smiled as he turned around and walked to descend the staircase.

Letting your hands fall to your sides, you pulled the door shut before beginning to make your way to the bedroom, realizing that Michael had shut the door. You could hear him sobbing inside, and that broke your heart. Placing your hand on the knob, you pushed the door open and entered, seeing that Michael was on the bed - his face buried into one of the large pillows. Your frown became deeper as you shut the door, making him sit up.

"Oh Michael," you walked over to him as he used the back of his hands to wipe away the tears from his face.

"Go away," he looked down. "I don't...want you to see me like this..."

"Like what?"

"Ugly," he shook his head.

You scoffed a little and settled down onto the bed, next to him. He was now sitting up so that the both of you were facing each other. "Michael," you carefully brought your hand up to his face and used your thumb to brush away a few tears. "First of all, you are not ugly, in fact, you're far from it,"

"I am ugly. That's why the director wanted to alter my appearance on the album cover! Because I'm ugly!"

"To be quite honest, that director is a complete idiot," you shook your head slightly. "He can't see things the way they should be seen, and that's his problem,"

Michael brought his eyes up to meet yours.

"Michael, trust me when I say that you are not ugly. I'm your wife, I will always be loyal and honest," you kept your eyes on his. "And I'm telling you that you are not ugly," you smiled a little when you saw that he had calmed down a little. "Instead, you're a handsome man that I'm very lucky to be married to," you grinned, making him laugh a little. "But the more important thing," you let your hand fall to the left side of his chest. "Is here," you pressed gently. "It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, true beauty comes from within, it comes from innocence, and it comes from love," you continued to study him. "Everyone is beautiful because each and every one of us is blessed with the ability to love, and that's what makes a person truly beautiful, not what they look like on the outside," you explained. "Looking good on the outside is just a package, the truest content is what is in your heart, and I know for a fact that you have a beautiful heart," you moved closer to him. "And from what I know, it is safe to say that you are the most beautiful person on earth,"

"Do you really....mean that?" he raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I do, with all my heart," you rested your forehead against his. "I meant every single word, and nothing can change that,"

Michael stared at you for a long moment before finally breaking into a small smile as he brought his hand up to touch your face. "I wonder how I was ever so lucky to have found a woman like you," his gaze was intense. "You've always been there for me, even when I don't deserve it,"

"You always deserve to be supported, Michael," you answered. "You are an amazing person...please don't ever believe otherwise,"

"I'm so lucky," he took in a deep breath. "I'm the luckiest man on the face of the earth to be able to call you my own," a full smile was coming back, and that made you happy. "I'm going to talk to the director tomorrow. If he still wants to alter the picture, he can - I don't care anymore," he shrugged slightly. "Not after that life lesson you just gave me," he laughed a little, making you do the same.

"I want you to know that I've always got your back, no matter what," you planted a chaste kiss on his lips. "And I'll be here to give you more life lessons if you ever need them," you giggled a little as Michael rolled his eyes playfully. "Now, the kids will be back by seven, this evening, and perhaps we can all gather for a good movie," you suggested with a wide smile. "How does that sound?"

Michael's lips curled up into a genuine smile as he nodded. "That sounds like the perfect plan,"

So my writing has been crap lately, my apologies, I can't seem to get myself together :(
Thank you so much for reading!
Lemme know your thoughts!❤
Lots of love!

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