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This is a poorly written imagine. You have been warned!





You and Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, are best friends - and have been for the past three years. You enjoy spending together, always finding the good in everything you do, and in the people you meet.

Everything is almost perfect.


You have fallen in love with Michael, and he knows nothing about it. You admire the man as a person, and you respect what he does. Everything about him makes you weak at the knees.

To top the aforementioned off, Michael was dating a woman named: Lisa Marie Presley, a woman that he had being seeing for three months now.

It is because of this that you decide to keep your lips sealed. You do not want to ruin his relationship with Lisa, and drama is not something that you're up for.

Michael always makes it a point to call you, everday. The both of you meet quite often, constantly sharing ideas. He means everything to you, but you are too scared to tell him. You do not know whether he feels the same way as you, but you suspect that he doesn't- mainly because he's always with Lisa.

You promise yourself that you will keep your emotions a secret, no matter what.


You awoke to the sound of your telephone ringing. Opening your eyes, you groaned and sat up. Glancing at the small clock that sat atop your bedside table, you noted that the time was seven in the morning.

Grabbing the receiver, you held it up to your ear.

"Hello?" you said, quite tired.

"(Y/N)!" you heard Michael greet you. A small smile formed on your face. Hearing his voice always made your day.

"Hey," you yawned.

"Crap, did I wake you up?" he inquired. "I'm so sorry,"

"Don't be," you laughed a little. "I needed to get up anyway, I have some shopping to do,"

"(Y/N), will you be able to come down to Neverland?" he asked. "There's something that I want to discuss with you,"

You frowned for a moment before nodding, despite the fact that he could not see you.

"What time do you want me to be there?" you ran your fingers through your hair.

"Be here at eleven," he informed you.

"You got it," you giggled before disconnecting the call.

Looking around, you saw that it was a mess. You needed to clean it when you had the time. With a sigh, you got to your feet, making your way to the bathroom.

You stood at the mirror that was mounted above the sink. Turning on the tap, you gathered some water in your hands and splashed it on your face in a bit to get yourself to become fully awake.

Once you were done with your business in the bathroom, you moved to your closet - opening it and staring at your collection of clothes. You pulled out a purple dress and examined it before nodding.

"This will do," you whispered to yourself. Now all that was left to do was get ready.


You had driven to Neverland, and it had lasted for about an hour. You were currently in your car, preparing to get out. You grabbed your purse and your keys, tossing the latter into the prior. Opening the door, you got out of the vehicle and brought yourself to your feet.

The front doors of the mansion were open, making you smile. You walked up the steps and entered the house. Michael was seated in the living room, and when he noticed you - he broke into a wide smile.

"(Y/N)," he greeted you as he stood up. He walked over to you and gave you a warm hug. You felt your heart skip a beat when he did this. He always gave good hugs, and it made you happy.
He pulled away to look at you, his smile wider than ever. "I'm so glad that you could make it," he breathed.

You giggled and waved him off. "So what did you want to discuss with me?"

"Here," he beckoned for you to follow him to the sofa. "Have a seat,"

You settled down, and he did the same beside you.

"Now spill," you looked at him, almost getting lost in his eyes when your gazes met. Clearing his throat, he dug into the pocket of his pants - pulling out a small, blue velvet box. He held it tight and bit his lip.

The next few words made blood run cold.

"I intend to ask Lisa to marry me,"

This sucked!
Thank you so much for reading!
Lemme know your thoughts!❤
Lots of love!

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