•❊Mistaken|Part Five❊•

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You were seated at the end of the room, watching intently as the cameras clicked away. You wondered if Michael's eyes were ever affected by the endless bright flashes. The photographers captured many pictures at different angles, each one meant to display a different genre of emotion.

It had been two hours since you had arrived at the large mansion, and you had to admit that you were enjoying the time spent there. For the first time, you did not feel completely alone. Usually, you would go to work, and then back home - hardly ever finding the confidence to go out and meet new people on your own.

The sun was out, and since all the windows were open - the constant sensation of the cool breeze, hitting your skin, made you feel a little more at ease.

Whilst waiting for Michael, you had met a few of the photographers and stage directors - many of which were pleasant to converse with. Everyone was so enchanted by you, and it wasn't hard to tell. Falling in love with you was too easy.

One of the photographers asked Michael to turn around, giving him instructions as to what his facial expressions should have been like. Your eyes were so glued, on what was happening in front of you, that you did not notice someone take their seat next to you. Turning your head slowly, you realized that it was Janet - holding two cups of juice.

"It's quite hot today," she held one cup out. "You should keep hydrated," she urged you to take the item from her hand.

Hesitantly, you took the cup from her. You had not spoken with her much, yet for some reason - you felt a tad bit intimidated by her. A shy smile made an appearance on your face as you thanked her, proceeding to take a small sip of the refreshing juice. Initially, your throat had been dry - but after taking a bit of the juice, you felt a bit better.

"So...." Janet trailed off. "You're my brother's friend," she looked around the room before turning her head and bringing her eyes to meet your form. "Can I ask about how the two of you met?" she raised an eyebrow slightly.

"Uh, yeah," you cleared your throat. "Well....we met at the store that I work at," you nodded awkwardly. "We sell movies and music records,"

Janet stared at you, her eyes, seemingly, scanning your face. A moment of silence introduced itself, briefly, before she began to speak again.

"And how do you feel about my brother...as a person?"

Your eyes widened slightly at her sudden question, but you tried not to let it affect you too much. "Well I...don't know him well enough to give a proper verdict....but I do know that he seems to be a very kind man. He sees things differently, and that kind of mindset is what we need more of, nowadays," you shrugged slightly. "Especially with all the chaos that's slowly consuming the world,"

Again, Janet just stared at you for a long minute. She slowly brought her cup up to her lips and sipped a bit of the juice. Once she was done, she pulled the item away from her face.

"Well, you certainly aren't like the other girls he's had before," she raised her eyebrows, observing the liquid in her cup. You focused on her, a little, and frowned. "I like it," she looked back up at you. "You're....different," she smiled a little. "And I like it,"

A shy grin formed on your face as you let out a breath. "Thanks," you licked your bottom lip. "That....means a lot to me,"

"It's the truth," she kept her eyes on you for a moment longer before looking ahead of her. "It's nice to finally meet a girl, of Michael's, that isn't talking about how physically attractive he is, and how she wants to go to bed with him," she rolled her eyes slightly. "Trust me, I've seen that way too much,"

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