•❊Distinguished|Part Six❊•

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"Oh my God!" several students exclaimed. Michael was leaning over you, and the car had a huge dent on its side.

Your eyes were wide, and your heart was racing. Michael had saved you again. You stared at him, and he stared at you.

"P-Professor Jackson," you whispered.

"Watch where you're going, you can have a horrible accident," he straightened up.

You had grazed your knee, and the wound was bleeding. Michael bit his lip and closed his eyes before opening them again.

"Perhaps you should go back to your dorm room," he looked at you. "I don't think you're in any state to pay attention to my class,"

You sat there, still in shock. Michael gave you one last look before walking away. Mason came running up to you, bending down - a worried expression on his face. "(Y/N), are you alright?" he placed his hands gently on your shoulders.

"Uh...yeah," you said softly as he helped you up to your feet. You were trembling and everyone was staring at you. Blushing, you looked down and shook your head, you felt embarrassed.

"Come on," he breathed. "Let's get you back to your dorm room," he put his arms around you and led you away from the other students. A moment passed before everyone went back to what they were doing but you still felt uneasy.

"T-Thanks," you laughed a little. "I can't believe I...didn't see the car,"

"You need to-"

"(Y/N)!" you heard Luisa's voice making you look up. Your best friend came running toward you, a wide smile on her face. However, when she saw the condition you were in, her eyes widened. "(Y/N)!" she ran up to you and Mason. "What the hell happened?" her eyes lingered on Mason before she looked at you.

"She almost got run over, but professor Jackson saved her," Mason responded, rubbing your back. "She's still shaken,"

"What?!" Luisa raised her voice, staring at you. "(Y/N), how many times have I told you to pay attention to where you're going?" she groaned. "You can't afford to be careless, you're very special and I need you to be alive for me," she set her hands on her hips briefly before she let them fall to her sides. "And who are you?" she brought her eyes to meet Mason's form.

"I uh...I'm Mason," he held his hand out to her.

"I'm Luisa," she shook his hand before releasing it. "(Y/N)'s best friend,"

"It's nice to meet you," he nodded.

You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and kept your eyes on the ground. You were still in shock from earlier.

"Aw honey," Luisa sighed as she studied you. "Let's get you up to your dorm room, you need some rest,"


Mason and Luisa had dropped you off to your dorm room before they had made their way to their classes. You had been inside your room for about four hours, scribbling notes in your notebook. You wanted to rest, but your mind was far too awake to let that happen.

Your mind began to wander, recollecting the memories from earlier. Michael had been so fast, smooth, and strong. There was something so special about him, but you did not know what it was. Nevertheless, you were grateful that he had saved you, and you wanted to thank him in person.

Standing up, you grabbed your jacket from the bed, and put it over your red dress. You tucked your hair behind your ear, and let it fall naturally. Grabbing your purse from your work desk, you put it into the pocket of your jacket before making your way to the dressing table, taking your keys. You opened the door and stepped out before shutting it, locking it once you had done so.

It was about three in the afternoon, and you had the intention to go to Michael's office. Walking along the corridor, you noticed that many students were staring at you - recognizing you from earlier. You looked down and jogged down the staircase, eventually getting out of the building.

The sun was out, and there were many students on the grounds. The birds were chirping, making the day seem all the more beautiful. Your feet moved fast as you made your way to the administration building, where you were told that Michael's office was.

Upon entering the administration building, you were greeted by the cool air that was being emitted from the air conditioner. The building smelled fresh and clean, making you smile to yourself. You walked up to the receptionist, making her look up at you.

"I'm looking for professor Jackson's office," you said softly.

"Go up the stairs, the second door to your left is his office," she informed you.

You thanked her and followed her directions. Arriving at the office, you noted that the door was closed. Knocking a few times, you waited for a brief second before it opened.

Michael widened his eyes slightly when he saw you. He swallowed and frowned a little. "(Y/N)?"

"Hi, professor Jackson," you responded.

"C-Come inside," he stepped aside. "What d-do you need?"

You walked into the office and he closed the door, turning to face you. He still looked as though he were struggling to breathe, and it made you raise an eyebrow slightly.

"Sir....is everything okay?" you asked.

"Yes," he nodded quickly. "Now what do you want?"

"I just wanted to...thank you," you smiled shyly. "For saving my life, earlier this morning. If it hadn't been for you, I would been in the hospital right now,"

"Yes, well, as I've said...b-before," he closed his eyes before opening them again. "I did what anyone in my...p-position would have d-done,"

"No one is as kind as you, sir," you responded. "Really, what you did for me was amazing. But...I do have a question,"

"Go ahead," he folded his arms.

"How did you know that the car was going to hit me? You appeared so fast. I didn't see you anywhere around before I stepped onto the road,"

"I was there, you just didn't see me," he sighed. "(Y/N), if that's all you came here for, you may leave," you saw his eyes changing color again, and this time, the golden shade was unmistakable.

"Professor Jackson, your-"

"I said leave," he practically growled, pointing to the door. Your eyes widened, and you took one last glance at him before turning around and opening the door. "And (Y/N)," he said, making you turn your head. "Close the door on your way out,"

This one sucked!
Thank you so much for reading!
Lemme know your thoughts!❤
Lots of love!

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