•❊Distinguished|Part Twelve❊•

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You stared at Michael as he kept his eyes on you. He had an inexplicable expression on his face, and you did not know how to read him. He was full of mystery. He had his hands in his pockets, and the expression on his face was solemn.

"Please?" he raised his eyebrows slightly.

You licked your bottom lip and sighed before stepping aside. "Fine," you let him in. He walked in as you shut the door. Turning around to face him, you set your hands on your hips.

"(Y/N), I want to...apologize," he said lowly. "For...upsetting you, in any way," he cleared his throat. "I know that my behavior may have been uncalled for, but I want you to know that I had no intent, whatsoever, to make you feel inconvenienced,"

You stared at him as he looked down. "As a teacher, I'm supposed to set a good example, and I failed to do so, at that point in time," he looked up at you. "I genuinely hope you will accept my apology,"

Keeping your eyes on him, you blinked a few times. "Something tells me that you've had a lot of experience, apologizing to people," you broke into a small smile. "Did you rehearse that?" you cocked your head to the side.

He broke into a small chuckle and folded his arms. "I've had to apologize way too much during my lifetime," he shook his head. "But that doesn't mean that it isn't sincere," he added. "Please forgive me, and let me help you again,"

A moment passed as you analyzed his words. He seemed genuine, and you appreciated that. He may have made you mad before, but his apology was sweet. You could tell that it came from the heart.

Shoving your hands into the pockets of your jeans, you nodded. "I forgive you," you said. "And I'd very much like to have you helping me again,"

He seemed to let out a breath before nodding. Shoving his hands into the pockets of his pants, he made his way to the door. You followed him and opened it for him. He thanked you and stepped outside before turning around to look at you.

"Let's resume tomorrow," he spoke before walking away.

Pushing the door shut, you let out a breath. You decided that you would do a bit of studying instead of going to sleep.

Let's do this.



y evening, you were tired and weak. You glanced at the small clock that sat on your work desk - noting that the time was eleven. The sky was dark, and the stars sparkled brightly. You glanced out of your window and admired how beautiful the sight was.

A moment passed before you decided that you would go out for a walk. Since your books were open in front of you, you closed them and stood up. You grabbed your keys and shoved them into your pocket, making your way to the door. Opening it, you stepped out before pulling it shut.

The corridors were empty, and everything was quiet. You jogged down the staircase and exited the building, noticing that the grounds were empty too.

A small smile formed on your face when you saw this. You had some peace and quiet, and you could take a walk as you recollected your thoughts.

As you walked, you spotted something in the distance. You focused on it before you realized that there were two people, a male and a female The main was on top of the female, making you frown.

Get a room.

You kept on walking, getting ready to pass them. However, as you got closer, the sight seemed strange. A man seemed to be kissing the woman's neck.

You moved closer and closer until you realized that the man was Michael. Getting very close, you noticed that he was drinking the female's blood. You could see that he had fangs.

A gasp escaped your lips before Michael turned his head to look at you. In the dark, his eyes glowed. You covered your mouth as you saw blood trickling down his chin.

You could not believe your eyes.

Standing before you, was a vampire.

This chapter sucked! My apologies!
Thank you so much for reading!
Lemme know your thoughts!❤
Lots of love!

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