
978 31 18


This imagine isn't very good. You have been warned.




You were seated at the breakfast table with your husband and children. The kitchen was alive with laughter as the kids laughed and shared funny stories with each other. Michael, your husband of ten years, was seated across from you - and a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he watched his beloved children.

Daniel, Edward, and Mia, were the names of your three little angels. Daniel was eight years old, Edward was seven, and Mia was five. They were the best things that had ever happened to you and Michael. Your family was what gave you the strength to make each day count.

Your fork was in your hand, and you played with your food as you observed your children. They were almost done with their breakfast, and they were ready to go to school.

Michael had prepared breakfast, and since you weren't touching your food, an expression of concern began to emerge on his face.

You looked down at your plate, letting out a sigh. With swollen eyes and a pale face, you looked back up at your children.

Glancing at your elegant wrist watch, you noted that the time was seven thirty, in the morning. Nodding slightly, you addressed the kids. "Right, it's time for school," you smiled and stood up. The entire time, your husband had remained quiet - keeping his eyes on you. Deep down, you knew why he was doing what he did, but you did not want to speak of the issue in front of the children.

They stood up and grabbed their bags that were laying on the floor, beside their chairs. Michael just continued to stare at you. A moment passed before he shook his head slightly.

"Have a good day, my darlings," he gazed at each one of them. "Enjoy yourselves,"

"Thanks dad!" Daniel waved as you beckoned for the children to follow you.

Michael waved at them as you led the way to the front doors. Pulling them open, you saw that the car was already waiting outside. A small smile formed on your face.

"Just in time," you remarked quietly.

Bill, Michael's most trusted driver, was waiting patiently for the kids to get into the car. He always drove them to school, and he always picked them up as well.

You took a moment to look up at the sky, appreciating the beauty of the day. Moving closer to the car, you opened the door.

"Have a good day," you kissed each of their foreheads. "Work hard, and remember to never give up," you told them as they got into the car.

"Thanks, mom!" Edward grinned.

"Love you!" Daniel added.

You giggled as Mia simply flashed you a cute smile. Shutting the door, you stood aside and watched as the vehicle begin to move. You stood there, until you couldn't see the car anymore, before turning around and walking back into the house. Shutting the doors, you let out a breath.

A moment had passed before you turned around, coming face to face with your husband. You gasped a little and brought your hand up to your chest.

"You didn't sleep, last night, did you?" he set his hands on his hips. Your face fell slightly when you heard those words.

Recently, you had become predominantly affected by, what we know to be, insomnia. The problem was wearing you out, making you weaker by the day. You hardly ever ate anymore, and you hardly ever slept. To add on, insomnia was not the only problem in your life. You also had severe depression and anxiety.

A cocktail of thoughts would intoxicate your mind, every evening, and you weren't sure if you were ever going to become sober. The predicament was cruel, relentlessly subjecting you to the worst sort of pain - emotional pain. Emptiness had become your day, and loneliness - your night.

You had not slept for five days straight, and despite Michael's efforts to get you to rest - you were always wide awake. There were instances where you felt energetic, and then there were those where your eyes were tired from the lack of sleep.

However, no matter how tired you were, you simply could not sleep. It was torture, to the highest degree.

"No," you gently ran your tongue over your bottom lip. "I didn't,"

Michael sighed and shook his head in a disapproving manner. "(Y/N)," he said. "This can't go on. You're killing yourself slowly," his eyes were glistening with pure concern.

You fiddled with your fingers and looked down. "I can't help it, Michael," you shook your head. "I didn't choose to be this way,"

A moment of silence introduced itself before he moved closer, resting his hands on your shoulders. Looking back up at him, you searched his eyes.

"We need to get you help, (Y/N)," he spoke softly. "If you carry on like this, I won't have a wife anymore, and the children won't have a mother," he kept his focus on you. "You need to see a therapist,"

Your face fell and you felt your heart sink into your stomach. Therapy was an idea that you weren't very keen on, especially because you had given it a try, before, and it hadn't worked.

"Michael, I don't want to be involved in therapy," you answered. "Therapy just...doesn't work,"

"(Y/N), you're deteriorating with each day that passes. You hardly ever eat anymore, and you look so weak," he continued. "You might not know it, but the children can see how different you are, now," he went on. "They can see their mother, suffering, and it's not a pretty sight to see,"

"I just...can't do therapy," you groaned a little. "It doesn't help,"

"Give it another try," he suggested calmly.

"No, Michael, I don't want to," you said as he let his hands fall to his sides.

"So what are you going to do? Just fade away?" he frowned. "Right before our children? (Y/N), they'll be traumatized,"

"I may as well do so. I may as well to prepare to die," you raised your eyebrows slightly.

"Are you nuts?!" he raised his voice. "Stop being so selfish, (Y/N)! Think about the children! They're so you and innocent!" he threw his arms in the air. "And they need their mother!"

"Therapy just doesn't work! What don't you understand by that?!" you raised your voice as well. "It. Doesn't. Work!"

"That's because you've already made up your mind! You're being negative, and you're refusing to try and get help!" he looked up at the ceiling before looking back at you. "And you can't be a proper mother to our kids if this is the way things are going to be," he lowered his voice.

Your eyes widened and your blood ran cold. "W-What....are you saying?" your eyes became watery.

"If you don't get help, I'm taking the kids away from you,"

This one, for sure, sucked. The story wasn't that good, but I decided to publish it anyway!
Thank you so much for reading!
Lemme know your thoughts!❤
Lots of love!

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