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This imagine is, yet again, poorly written.
You have been warned.




You finished putting on your dress in front of the mirror, admiring the way your hair fell. As you moved your hands, your wedding ring glistened in the light. It was ten in the morning, and you were getting ready for the day. The apartment that you shared with your husband of two years, Michael Jackson, was quite empty and quiet since the man was currently at the studio.

You missed him because he had spent the entire night at the aforementioned, and the time had seemed to drag along when the man you loved was not around.

Staring at your reflection, you bit your lip as you observed your hair. A moment passed before you decided to fasten it into a low bun.

You looked away from the mirror when the telephone rang from the kitchen. You rushed out of the bedroom, and moved to pick up the receiver.


"Hey, babe, it's Michael," his soft voice greeted your ears, making you smile.

"Hey darling, I missed you," you responded.

"I missed you more, my love," he chuckled. "My night was extremely lonely without you,"

"Same here," you closed your eyes before opening them again.

"Did you manage to get some sleep? I didn't get much because you weren't by my side,"

"A little bit, but I missed you too," you breathed.

"I, of course, missed you more," he chuckled. "(Y/N), there is something I'd like to show you, a place," he said all of a sudden.

"Okay...." you trailed off. "And where is this...place?" you asked.

"Well..that's a surprise," he chuckled again. "I'll be home in an hour, and then I'll drive us to the place,"

"Hm," you laughed a little. "Okay, I'll wait for you,"



You were standing outside of the mansion, observing the beauty of nature. Birds were singing, and the sun was bright - it was the perfect day. You had your small purse in your hand as you waited for your husband.

Every now and then, the breeze would caress your face, making you feel cool. Several moments passed before you spotted Michael's car - coming up the driveway. He stopped in front of you and rolled the window down.

"Babe, get in,"

You smiled and walked over to the front passenger side, opening the door before getting in and closing it. You let out a breath and turned to face Michael. He leaned in, and the two of you shared a chaste kiss before he drove off.

"So where are you taking me?" you giggled slightly.

"As I said before, it's a surprise, and if I tell you what it is, it won't be a surprise anymore," he smiled, focusing on the road ahead.

You hummed in response and nodded. The two of you conversed about the day as he drove along, sharing each other's thoughts. The both of you could talk for hours and never get bored, that's what kept your marriage alive.

The ride lasted for about two hours, pulling to a stop outside of a pair of huge gates. Your eyes widened as the gates opened, making Michael drive past the security box.

You looked around and saw how magical the place was, it was the property of your dreams. You could not believe your eyes.

"Michael," you whispered. "This place is beautiful," you shook your head.

He said nothing, a wide smile on his face. You saw rides, and vibrant colors everywhere. It looked as though it were something out of a dream. Michael drove for about a minute longer, eventually pulling to a stop outside of a massive mansion.

Your eyes were filled with wonder as Michael opened his door, getting out - making you do the same. Once the both of you were on your feet, you both shut your respective doors.

"Come on," Michael walked up to you and took your hand in his.

"Michael, what is this place?" you frowned a little as he led you up to the front doors. "It's so beautiful,"

Your husband chuckled as he pushed one of the large doors open. Instantly, you were greeted by the sweet smell of candy, and the pleasant sound of soft music. You had a smile on your face, and it became wider when you saw how beautiful the interior was.

"This," Michael pulled you into his arms so that you were facing him. "Is going to be our new home,"

Your eyes widened further at Michael's words.

"Did you just say...." you trailed off with a whisper. "Our home?"

"New home," he kissed your cheek. "I got this place built just for us," he looked into your eyes.

"Oh my God!" you exclaimed. "This place is...magical!"

"I know," he laughed, pulling you closer. "And it's ours," he paused for a moment. "We should give this property a name,"

The both of you kept silent before you opened your mouth to speak.


This one sucked, my apologies!
Thank you so much for reading!
Lemme know your thoughts!❤
Lots of love!

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