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ALSO: This imagine is poorly written, and I have explained that at the bottom. I apologize for wasting your time.




You hummed a soft tune to yourself as you gently wiped off the granite kitchen counter, a small smile present on your face as you moved along. The sun was shining brightly, and it was eleven in the morning - meaning that everything was abuzz.  The Neverland mansion was alive with the maids moving about, getting everything in order so that the mansion always looked its best. You had just finished eating, hence you were cleaning up after yourself.

Michael, your husband of one year, was currently at the recording studio - tirelessly working on his music. He had left you early in the morning, and he had promised you that he would try to be home as soon as possible. Of course, this was something that you were extremely happy to hear - and you already couldn't wait for him to come home.

As you wiped the counter, an idea came to mind.

Perhaps I should prepare something special for Michael.

A small grin formed on your face as you turned to walk out of the kitchen with the intent to find Carol, the chief of staff at Neverland. You reckoned that organizing something special for Michael would be a great gesture - after all, he was your husband.

However, just as you were about to do so, Michael came storming into the kitchen - making you stumble back with wide eyes. You had to admit that you were quite shocked to see him, especially since he had said that he would be very busy at the studio.

In his hand, he held a small tape - an object that made you quite suspicious as you glanced at it before bringing your eyes back up to meet him once more. It was at this point that you realized he looked furious.

"Explain this," he tossed the item onto the counter, making you flinch slightly at the sound effect that it produced.

"W-What?" you frowned. You honestly had had no idea as to what was going on.

"Oh don't play dumb with me," he set his hands on his hips and shook his head. "I thought I could trust you!" he exclaimed, making your eyes widen further.

What on earth was he talking about?

"Michael I....really don't understand what's going...on," you frowned further. "What is that?" you pointed at the tape.

"Recordings of our telephone calls, (Y/N)," he slowly walked up to you. "From the day we first spoke, up until the last time we did so," he searched your eyes. "Were you going to sell it?!" he raised his voice again, making you jump once more.

"Michael, I do not know what you're talking about! I've never recorded our telephone calls! I don't even know how to!"

"Then who had access to all this information? Hm?" he questioned. "Who else would document every single word we said to each other?!" his tone became rough. "You were the one who did this," he pointed at you. "That's the only explanation I have,"

You let out a scoff before bringing your hand up and slapping him across the face, hard. His eyes widened as he brought his hand up to touch the side that you had struck.

"I can't believe you!" you laughed a little when you noticed that his bottom lip was bleeding slightly. "Do you really think I would do this?!" it was your turn to yell. "Michael I love you! I would never do that-"

"Yet the recordings are here!" he slammed his hand against the counter. "And they've been released to the public," he shook his head. "Everything that I shared with you in deepest confidence is...now...out there...for the world to know," he clenched his jaw. "And don't you dare lie to me and say that it wasn't you. You had to be the only one to do this," he stepped away slightly as tears formed in your eyes.

You could not believe that he was accusing you of such a heinous act. "Michael I did no-"

"I thought I could trust you," he mumbled. "I guess not," he looked down and shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants. "You're just like the rest of them," he gave you one last look before turning around to leave - rendering you completely shocked.

I know that this update sucked, but I was quite seriously ill for a while, and I had stopped writing. Now I'm a bit better but I need to get myself going again. My apologies if this one wasn't very good.
Thank you so much for reading!
Lemme know your thoughts!❤
Lots of love!

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