•❊Distinguished|Part Fifteen❊•

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"Ow," you rubbed your upper arm, where you had hit Janet. She laughed a little and folded her arms.

"You humans are so weak," she remarked as you sighed. "It's funny,"

"Yeah, real funny," you made an attempt to walk past her, but she blocked your path. There was no one around, just the both of you. You looked at her and frowned. "Can I help you?"

"(Y/N)...you're not going to...tell anyone...are you?" she raised an eyebrow. "It could ruin us. We've already settled down here and I don't want to move," she stared at you with her grey eyes.

You let out a small laugh and shook your head. "Don't worry, even if I did tell anyone, no one would believe me," you continued. "Vampires are supposed to be mythical creatures,"

"(Y/N)-" Janet took a step towards you, but you backed away, making her face fall slightly. "I'm not going to hurt you," she sighed. "Is that so hard to believe?"

"A girl is dead," you looked into her eyes as your own became watery. "Because of Michael. How exactly am I supposed to feel?"

She stared at you, saying nothing.

"And he probably won't ever be found out because he's not human!" you shook your head.

"That...is...actually correct," Janet responded. "He won't be found out, because we don't leave traces of DNA behind," she bit her lip. "But that doesn't mean we're bad people. It's just....who we are," she tried to move closer to you. "If you give me a chance, I can explain everything to you,"

"The only thing I would like from you, is to stay away from me," you said firmly.

Janet's eyes widened, and she seemed to become angry. "You forget that I could have killed you if I had chosen to do so, last night," she narrowed her eyes. "But because of Michael, I didn't,"

Your eyes widened as well as you stared at her. "What...do you mean?" you became slightly confused.

Janet opened her mouth to say something, but Michael appeared out of, seemingly, nowhere. He pulled Janet aside and looked at her.

"Leave (Y/N) alone. I told you not to do this," he seemed annoyed.

"She doesn't understand us!" she argued as you stood there.

"She doesn't have to," Michael moved closer to the girl. "Go back home. I do not want to see you around the campus. You do not belong here,"


"Didn't you hear me?" Michael cut her off.

Janet pulled away from Michael and glared at you before she walked away, allowing you to catch a whiff of her perfume. She smelled like strawberries.

You gulped and glanced at her before looking back at Michael.

"(Y/N), I....am...sorry," he frowned a little. "Did she...scare you?" he inquired.

"No," you held your purse close. "But I would really like to get back to my dorm room now," you breathed. "I need to have a shower,"

You walked past Michael, and just as you moved by - he gently grabbed your hand, making you turn around to look at him. He was cold, and you shivered slightly upon his touch.

"I....am sorry," he said quietly. "For...involving you in this mess,"

"Don't be," you replied before pulling your hand back and walking away.

You could feel Michael staring at you, but you chose not to look back. You could not believe what was going on, and you cursed yourself for not being able to handle the situation better.

This chapter sucked!
Thank you so much for reading!
Lemme know your thoughts!❤
Lots of love!

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