•❊Night At The Museum❊•

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You threw on a black dress that fell to your knees, standing in front of the full length mirror in your small bedroom. The morning was quiet, and the sun was shining brightly. It was eight in the morning, and work started at nine.

Today was your first day working at the local museum, and you were nervous. You had previously been working at a bank that went bankrupt, hence you looked for a new job - which you had found at the museum. Your new job was that of a tour guide and you were quite excited. You enjoyed meeting new people and learning about them. Education was paramount in your eyes.

Fastening your hair into a low bun, you proceeded to put on a pair of pearl earrings. You applied a little bit of lipstick and smiled at your reflection, noticing that you looked good and that you were ready. Your hand bag was resting on your bed, and so were your keys.

Moving to grab the items, you held them close and walked out of your bedroom - which door was open. Jogging into the kitchen, you placed the handle of your bag over your shoulder, leaving the keys on the counter. A sigh escaped your lip as you grabbed a small cup from the shelf and turned on the tap to fill the aforememtioned. Once you were done, you turned it off and brought the cup up to your lips, sipping the water slowly.

You looked out of the window and saw how beautiful the day was. Being excited and nervous made your hands tremble slightly as you drank the water. After you had finished, you rinsed the cup and placed it on the side of the sink.

Grabbing your keys from the counter, you walked to the front door and pulled it open, stepping out before shutting it. Using your keys, you locked the door and turned around to make your way to your car. Unlocking the vehicle, you opened the door and got in, tossing your purse onto the seat beside you before pulling the door shut.

You placed the keys into the ignition and started the car, reversing out of the driveway. It was time to get to work.


You brought the car to a stop and took in a deep breath. You were nervous and your heart was racing. Grabbing your hand bag, you opened the door and got out before pushing it shut, locking it. Looking up at the large building, you placed the handle of your bag over your shoulder and tossed your keys in.

Your feet moved elegantly as you walked up the steps that led to the building. The automatic doors opened, letting you through. Greeted by the cool air, you looked around the foyer. There were a few dinasour exhibits around, along with short articles about the items.

A small smile formed on your face because the place felt magical. Many people walked up and down, each individual eyeing the various exhibits.

Suddenly, a well dressed female walked up to you, wearing a black coat over grey pants. Her hair was fastened into a high bun and she had bright blue eyes. A smile was present on her face and she had her hands in front of her.

"Good morning, are you the new tour guide?" she asked as you stood there.

"Uh...yes," you nodded with a smile. "I'm (Y/N)," you held your hand out.

She took your hand and shook it. "It's nice to meet you. My name is Kylie," her voice was smooth. "Welcome,"

"Thanks," you let your hand fall to your side.

"Let me show you around," she beckoned for you to follow her.

You walked behind her, and she introduced you to the various exhibits. She knew everything by heart, and you had learned that she had been working at the museum for ten years. She showed you around, even introducing you to a few wax figures of prominent musical artists. You saw Michael Jackson's figure, making you smile widely. It was of him during his 'Bad Era', and he looked good. You had always admired the man and you loved his music.

Kylie led you through the rest of the museum and you learned a lot, something you were grateful for. She eventually brought you back to the front where she directed you to a small, empty office.

"This is yours," she gestured to the room, pushing open the glass door.

"Oh," your eyes widened slightly. You didn't think you'd get to have an office of your own. "Thank you,"

"No problem," she kept a sweet smile on her face. "When you're needed, you'll get a call on your telephone. It's important to be in here at all times, except for when you're on your lunch break," she explained.

You nodded and walked into the office, walking over to your soft chair.

"Take care, and I hope you enjoy your time here," she said before closing your door and walking away.

You sat down and smiled to yourself. You were sure that you were going to enjoy working here.


Time had passed, and you spent your time using your computer. You had not been needed for the day, so you weren't busy. Most staff members had gone home, and it was seven in the evening. Kylie was still at the front desk, and she could be seen reorganizing a few papers. You bit your lip and typed away at your computer, working on recording your experience at the museum, and looking for new online courses to take during your breaks and spare time.

You stayed on the computer for half an hour before Kylie knocked at your office door gently, moving to open it and peek in. She smiled, making you do the same.

"Hey, (Y/N)," she said. "I'm going home for the night, will you be able to close up?" she asked.

"Sure," you nodded as she walked in and handed the keys to you.

"Thanks," she waved before walking out of the office and closing the door.

You leaned back against the seat and looked up at the ceiling. You were all alone. Kylie could be seen grabbing her bag and rushing out. You looked around the room and sighed, you felt quite bored but you did not want to go home yet. Grabbing your hand bag from the floor, you began to search your phone, humming a tune loudly.

"You have a wonderful voice," a soft male voice spoke, making you jump slightly. You had not heard the office door open.

"Thank y-" you looked up and your eyes widened. Michael Jackson was standing right in front of you.

In the flesh.

Thank you so much for reading!
Lemme know your thoughts!❤
Lots of love!

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