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This is, yet again, a poorly written chapter by me. My apologies!




You were standing in front of the bathroom mirror, applying the last of your makeup. Your hair was slightly teased and left to fall naturally. You had on a purple dress that fell to your knees, and the sleeves were lose. There was a rose in the middle, giving the dress a sweet twist.

Your wedding ring glistened as you continued to move, making you smile a little. At present moment, you were preparing to go to the mall for some shopping - however, you knew it would not be easy. You would have to have security guards with you at all times because the world knew you as Michael Jackson's wife, and his fans adored you.

Yes, you were married to the Michael Jackson. The two of you had been married for over a year, and things had been wonderful.

A moment passed before you heard the bedroom door open and close. Turning around, you walked out of the bathroom, and into the bedroom - where you saw Michael. When his eyes landed on you, he froze and they widened.

"Woah, (Y/N)," he scanned your form. "You look beautiful," he smiled. "And that doesn't come as a shock to me. I've always known you to be beautiful," he winked.

You laughed and shook your head. He was too sweet. Suddenly, you caught a glimpse of yourself in the full length mirror, making your heart sink. You did not like the way your body looked in the dress. Some features of your body looked too thin, and some looked too big - you despised the way your body was built.

Your face must have displayed how you were feeling because Michael seemed to notice a change in your facial features.

"(Y/N)?" he asked quietly. "Is everything okay?"

You gulped. You wanted to tell him, but you didn't want to bother him with something unnecessary.

"Yeah, everything's fine," you lied. "I just....felt a little dizzy,"

Michael chuckled and nodded. He believed everything that came out of your mouth, and that was because he trusted that you would tell him the truth if something was wrong.

Your husband was not going to accompany you on your shopping trip because he had rehearsals. He was performing in the evening, and you were going to be there. You always loved supporting your husband, and what he did.

"You need to rest, are you sure you still want to go shopping? What if something happens to you?" he frowned.

"Don't worry," you walked up to him as you laughed slightly. "Security will be with me the entire time,"

"I know," he rested his forehead against yours. "I just worry about you,"

"I know you do," you bit your lip. "You're the most loving husband on the face of the earth. I'm never going to let you go,"


An hour after getting ready, you had left for the mall. You were currently walking along the large floor. People were everywhere, and many were calling your names. Fans of you and Michael were showing up in large numbers, making you slightly anxious. It was a good thing that you had security with you. They were keeping you away from all the chaos.

Many individuals were shouting various things.

(Y/N)! You're so beautiful!

(Y/N), please look here!

Ugh, you're not even that pretty!

That dress looks horrible on you!

There were good comments, and there were bad comments. The negativity got to you, making your eyes become watery. Some even screamed that you were not good enough for Michael. You were anxious and upset, and all you wanted to do was go home.

You wanted to have some peace and quiet.

"Andrew," you turned to one of the bodyguards.

"Yes, ma'am?" he leaned down as you all walked. He was very tall, so he had to bend down to be able to hear you.

"Please get me out of here," you sighed.

You didn't even get to do any shopping. The fans were just too much. The public attention was too much, and all you wanted to do was go home.

"Very well," Andrew nodded before speaking to the other bodyguards. "Mrs. Jackson wants to go home, come on boys - lead the way,"

The other bodyguards obeyed, and led the way out of the mall, and to your car that was parked outside. The people followed, and your bodyguards did their best to keep you out of harm's reach.

Andrew opened the door, and helped you get in before the other bodyguards followed. The car was a limousine, so there was a lot of space. Andrew got in as well, and pulled the door shut.

"Back to Neverland," you informed Bill, the driver.

"Back to Neverland,"


You walked up the steps to the front door as the limousine drove off, the bodyguards still inside. They were going back to the security house, and they had told you to give them a call if you needed anything. You were upset, very upset. You felt horrible, and you felt like crap. All you wanted to do was crawl into a small hole and die.

Pushing one of the doors open, you entered the house and let the aforementioned shut. Dragging your feet along, you made your way to ascend the staircase. You arrived at the door to the bedroom that you and your husband shared, making you open the door.

You slammed it shut and tears began to stream down your face. You looked at your dressing table and shook your head. You rushed for it and shoved all your belongings to the ground in one swift movement.

You screamed and let the tears fall. You just weren't ready for the public attention. It had been one year, and you still hadn't gotten used to it - that was what frustrated you the most. You had never had an outburst like this, but there's a first for everything.

You fell to the floor when Michael walked in. His eyes widened when he saw your shattered items on the floor.

"(Y/N)!" he ran up to you and fell to his knees. "Hey, hey," he held you close. "What's wrong,"

You buried your face into his chest and cried. You wanted to tell him how you felt, but you decided to do that after you had cried.

This was going to be a long afternoon.

This imagine sucked, that's for sure!
Thank you so much for reading!
Lemme know your thoughts!❤
Lots of love!

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