•❊The Essay|Part Two❊•

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You had not been able to sleep for the entire night, subjected to the torture of a sleepless night. Frank had given you his contact number, informing you that you were to call him when you had made your decision as to whether you accepted your win or not. Slowly, the black sky had turned into the image of a beautiful dawn, creating a stunning sight outside.

Your head was resting gently on your pillow, and you were staring up at the ceiling, letting the thoughts in your mind run marathons. Deep down, you were extremely embarrassed that a piece of your most personal work had been revealed - yet for some reason, you were not as upset as you had expected yourself to be. Sure, you were furious with Luisa - but that did not mean that you entirely despised what she did. After all, you did end up winning the competition, and that meant something to you. For some reason, it had filled you with a strong sense of satisfaction and fulfillment - raising your mood a little.

Closing your eyes for a brief moment, you let out a breath before opening them again. Your hands were resting atop your abdomen, and they moved up and down - falling the pattern that was created by the process of you breathing. Outside, you could hear birds chirping, indicating that it was morning now - and that dawn had broken. Turning your head slowly, you looked at the small alarm clock that was located on the small bedside table.


A part of you wanted to call Luisa, but you assumed that she would still have been sleeping. You had been debating, with yourself, as to whether or not you should have called her. You were torn between wanting to tell her what happened, and letting her get the rest she needed. Knowing fully well that college life was stressful, you felt a sense of guilt as you sat up slowly and gazed at the telephone.

A groan escaped your lips as you turned your head from the left side to the right, attempting to get your muscles to relax. Staying up for the entire night had slowly begun to take its toll on you, and you despised it. Lessons were, surely, going to be harder to focus on - now that you had not slept well.

Reaching over, you picked up the telephone receiver and brought it up to your ear before dialling Luisa's number. The line rang for about a minute, silently confirming the fact that she was still asleep. You sucked some air through your teeth as you thought about the idea of disturbing her, it made you feel guilty.

Luisa picked up and let out an audible sigh, making you giggle a little. Sleep was her favorite thing to do, and she considered her hours, of shut-eye, to be very precious.

She stayed in a dorm room, on campus, as well - but she resided in a different building, hence, the two of you were only able to see each other when official plans had been made.

"Hello?" she groaned.

"Luisa," you said her name, instantly hearing a bunch of shuffling noises. She stayed silent for a few seconds before speaking again.

"(Y/N), what are you doing up, so early?" she inquired. "Our first class isn't until nine. Don't we have a few more hours to sleep?"

Running your tongue gently over your bottom lip, you let out a sigh and closed your eyes. "I know what you did," you opened them again.

"Be more specific," she quickly replied.

"About the essay. I know that you stole one of my essays and sent it to Michael's management team," you raised your head slightly and looked up at the ceiling, keeping the receiver against your ear the whole time.

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