•❊Disquieting|Part Two❊•

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This chapter sucks - you have been warned!


You had been in the study room for the entire day, organizing the papers as Michael had asked you to. Your eyes were focused on what you were doing, but your mind was focused on something else. You could not believe what you had heard. Lisa wanted Michael dead - and you had to find a way to warn Michael.

You also had to think about whether or not he would believe you. He loved Lisa, and he was sure to believe anything she said. All she had to do was deny it.

I have to tell him, I just have to.

You threw a bunch of papers on the desk and groaned. You were doing your best to keep your mind focused on the job that you were doing, but it was impossible.

Lisa wants Michael dead.

Your eyes had become watery, and you stopped moving - leaning back in the chair that you had been sitting in. You loved Michael, and you wanted to save him.

You couldn't bear the thought of losing Michael.

You closed your eyes and felt tears stream down your face. Catching your breath, you opened your eyes when you heard someone knocking at the study room door. You sat up as it opened, revealing Lisa.

"Oh, (Y/N)," she stared at you. "You're still here," she frowned a little.

"Yeah, I'm just...organizing the papers," you gestured to the mass of papers that sat on the desk. "Michael had asked me to do so,"

"Oh," Lisa repeated. "I see," she raised her eyebrows. "When do you think you'll be done?"

"Not any time soon," you glanced at your wrist watch, noting that the time was five in the afternoon. "I may be done by nine. There are...a lot of papers," you laughed a little.

Lisa hummed in response before she moved back a little. "I'll leave you to it," she pulled the door closed, making you let out a breath.

You heard her footsteps move away, and you looked at the papers in front of you. You had so much to do, and the thought of Lisa's plan was still on your mind.

Come on, (Y/N), get yourself together!


By nine in the evening, you had finally finished organizing the papers. Michael had been checking on you hourly, making sure that everything was okay. Each time you saw him, you felt your heart sink - you needed to tell him, and you needed to do it quick. In less then twenty four hours, he was going to be murdered if you didn't do anything.

You folded the last of the papers and set them aside, standing up to stretch. You moved your head to release the tension in your neck before letting out a deep breath.

Suddenly, the door opened to reveal Michael.

"Hey," he smiled a little before glancing at the desk. "You're done?"

"Y-Yes," you nodded. "All the papers have been organized,"

"Oh, (Y/N), thank you," he shook his head. "You're the best,"

You stood there and stared at Michael. He kept his eyes on you as you debated with yourself inwardly as to whether or not you should say something.

"(Y/N)?" Michael said your name when he realized that you had become silent. "Is everything okay?"

Tears formed in your eyes, and you felt scared. Telling him would be taking a chance because you did not have proof of Lisa's actions. If he didn't believe you, all trust that he may have had for you would be lost.

You gulped and nodded. "Everything's fine..." you trailed off and made your way towards the door, but Michael blocked your eay.

"(Y/N)," he whispered. "Don't lie to me," he kept his eyes on you. "What's going on?"

You blinked a few times, looking into Michael's eyes - almost getting lost in them. He had an inexplicable effect on you, and it made your heart race.

"Michael...." you gulped again after a minute. "There's something I need to tell you,"

This chapter, my apologies!
Thank you so much for reading!
Lemme know your thoughts!❤
Lots of love!

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