•❊Losing Grip❊•

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You sighed as you carried the crying baby in your arms. Daniel, your two year old son, was wailing loudly, and you were trying your best to pacify him. His father was not around because he was currently travelling the world for his tour. Let me explain; you were married to a very famous man, named Michael Joseph Jackson. He was the best entertainer to ever live, and the world adored him. The two of you had been married for three years, and it had been a good journey so far.

However, because your husband was currently very busy, you were left to stay at Neverland on your own - looking after your son alone. He missed his father, so he cried a lot.

It was nine in the morning, and you were already very tired. It had been six months since you last saw your husband, and the stress of looking after your son on your own was starting to take its toll on you. Your skin was now very pale, and you had lost a lot of weight. You were constantly tired and weak. The maids at Neverland helped, but there was only so much that they could do. After all, at the end of the day - they had their own lives to deal with.

You were in the bedroom that you once shared with your husband, looking around helplessly. Daniel would not stop crying, and you were running out of ideas. You bounced him gently, moving about to try to get him to relax.

Suddenly, someone knocked at the bedroom door.

"Come in," you spoke loudly.

The door opened to reveal Carol, one of the maids. She had a small smile on her face, but it quickly faded when she noticed how tired you looked.

"Mr. Jackson is on the phone for you," she informed you. You sighed and nodded as she walked in. "Here," she held her hands out. "Give me the baby, I'll take care of him," she offered.

You handed the crying baby to Carol with a small smile. You were very grateful for her help.

"Thanks, I'll take him once I'm done talking to Michael," you breathed.

"Not a problem," she responded, turning her head to look at Daniel. "Who's a good boy?" she kissed his cheek as he smiled a little, ceasing from crying.

You turned around and walked out of the bedroom, feeling rather frustrated. You felt like a bad mother. You were very young, and very inexperienced. Daniel was your first baby, and you were still learning. Carol was older than you, and she had three grown children - hence, she knew more than you.

Walking down the staircase, you arrived at the living room, seeing the telephone. Carol had followed you, and she moved to go into the kitchen. Picking up the receiver, you held it up to your ear.

"Hello?" you spoke.

"(Y/N)," Michael's voice greeted you. "It's so nice to hear your voice again," he said. "How are you?" he asked.

"I'm...fine," you let out a breath. "Just tired. Daniel won't stop crying," you looked in the direction of the kitchen. "Well he has now, since Carol is holding him,"

"I wish I was there to help," he sounded sad. "But you know that I don't want the two of you to accompany me on the tour. The stress is dangerous for both you and Daniel,"

"I know," you replied. "Things are just so hard for me on my own," you shook your head despite the fact that he could not see you. "But I'll manage," you inhaled deeply. "So how is the tour going," you asked.

"Amazing, but busy," he breathed. "And I miss you and Daniel so much,"

A small smile formed on your face. "We miss you too," you set your free hand on your hip. "I can't wait to see you again," tears formed in your eyes.

"I'm counting down the days until I can see you again. Frank says I have a day off, next week. I'll come home on that day. I promise,"

You felt a sense of relief when you heard those words. You really wanted to see him again, and hearing him say that he would be home soon made you quite happy.

"I'll look forward to that day," you said softly.

"Babe, I have to go, rehearsals start soon, I'll call you after the show tonight," he told you. "That is, if you're still awake. I'm aware of the time difference," he laughed a little.

"Just call, I don't mind being woken up, as long as I get to hear your voice," you swallowed. "I love you so much, and all the best for your show tonight,"

"I love you more, I'll talk to you later," he replied before disconnecting the call.

You placed the receiver down and sighed, feeling lonely again. You were happy that you had managed to talk to Michael, and it had made your day.

Walking into the kitchen, you looked around and saw that it was empty. A moment passed before you glanced out of the large window, noticing that Carol was holding Daniel, smiling at him.

You walked to the back door and pushed it open, catching Carol's attention. She smiled at you and approached, handing you your son.

"He's an angel," Carol grinned.

"Thank you for looking after him whilst I was on the phone," you spoke to her.

"No problem," she nodded before walking back into the house.

Once she disappeared, you held Daniel close and looked at him as he stared at you. He had finally stopped crying.

"Well, buddy," you whispered. "It's just you and me now,"


The day had gone by slowly, and finally, it was evening. It was around seven, and the sky was becoming dark. You were holding Daniel, sitting him on your hip as you cooked some eggs. The maids had all gone home, so the entire house was quiet.

Daniel had been crying again, so you decided to make him something to eat. You concentrated on the stove in front of you as you tried to pacify your son at the same time. His crying got louder, and you were getting very frustrated.

Losing your grip of the spatula you were using, you spilt some oil on your bare foot. You groaned and jumped back slightly, making Daniel cry even louder.

"Shit," you whispered to yourself.

You took Daniel to the table and set him down onto the surface. As you looked at the little boy, you felt your legs go numb. The stove caught fire as you fell to the ground, unable to move.

Oh no.

Thank you so much for reading!
Lemme know your thoughts!❤
Lots of love!

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