•❊For You❊•

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"I can't believe you think I'm cheating!" your husband threw his arms in the air.

"You can't blame me for being a little concerned!" you threw your hands in the air as well. "You were having dinner with another woman whilst I waited at home for you!"

"Are you serious, right now?" he gawked. "Don't you trust me?!" he raised his voice.

The large bedroom acted like a vessel that containued the various words of argument.

Now, if not already obvious, you were fighting with your husband of two years - Michael Jackson. He was the man that the world adored and supported.

Normally, the two of you would be sweet to each other, speaking gently and laughing a lot.

The present moment, however, was far from the sweet moments you once knew. It was eleven in the evening, and the mansion was quiet - aside from the voices of you and your husband.

Michael was supposed to have been home by nine, and he was two hours late. Under different circumstances, you would have understood that he was in the studio, working on some new music.

You would have understood if he hadn't been spotted having dinner with Brooke. You had been watching television when a news channel showed a snippet of the two of them eating together, at a restaurant. They had looked too close for your liking.

When you had heard that Michael was out with Brooke, your heart sank. He had not even called you to tell.you that he would be late.

You were furious and upset.

"I don't know, Michael," your voice was loud. "I really don't know if I trust you," you stared at him. "Why were you having dinner with her? And why did the two of you look so comfortable?" you set your hands on your hips.

"(Y/N), she's just a friend," he closed his eyes before opening them again. "She wanted to talk, so I took her out to dinner,"

"You should have, at least, called me!" you bit your lip.

"I thought you would understand," he narrowed his eyes slightly before turning around and walking to the bedroom door. He opened it as you stood there.

You folded your arms, and he turned back to look at you.

"I expected you to know that my heart beats only for you,"

With that, he stepped out and slammed the door shut - making you jump slightly. He had walked out on you, leaving you alone.

Perhaps being alone would help you to get your thoughts in order.


It had been an hour since Michael had left, and he wasn't home yet. You were seated on the large sofa, in the living room - reading a novel. You felt bad for the argument that you'd had with your husband, so you decided that you would apologize when he returned.

The air was cold, so you had on a coat over your dress.

Turning the page of the novel, you scanned the words. The novel was good.

Suddenly, the telephone rang - making you frown a little as you stood up. You walked over to the device and picked up the receiver.


"(Y/N), it's me, Janet," Michael's sister greeted you, making you smile. The two of you were quite close, and you appreciated her a great deal.

"Jan, hey," you smiled a little.

"(Y/N)..." she trailed off, and she sounded worried.

You paused for a moment before speaking again as you frowned.

"Jan, what's wrong?" you inquired.

"(Y/N)....Michael's in the hospital. He was involved in a car crash,"

This actually sucked, no joke.
I hate my writimg, but I hope you salvaged some entertainment out of this.
Thank you so much for reading!
Lemme know your thoughts!❤
Lots of love!

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