•❊Mistaken|Part Three❊•

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"And ever since...I've been on my own," Michael spoke as the two of you were seated on the large sofa. You both had a cup of coffee each, and after applying some ice to his face - Michael's wounds had healed a little.

The both of you had spent the past three hours talking, and had gone through over three cups of coffee each. You had learned so much about him. He was a kind gentleman, possessing a unique way of thinking. He was smooth with the way he spoke, and after spending a few hours with the King of Pop - you had grown to discover that he was a good man.

Between the two of you, stories were shared, along with a fair amount of laughter. You were holding your coffee cup because there was a little bit of the beverage left. Michael's cup was placed on the table not too far from the sofa. He was finished.

A huge part of you was happy that Michael was in your apartment. Most of the time, you were alone - and it often made you feel empty. Sure, Kaya was your friend, but she wasn't going to be able to be there for you all the time. You understood that everyone else had a life of their own, and you had done your best to shove your emotions aside. You were delicate and fragile as a flower, but you knew that you had to survive - regardless of how you felt.

"Would you...like another cup of coffee?" you asked softly.

"Oh, no thank you," he waved you off before standing up and glancing at his wrist watch. "I should let you get your rest," he smiled a little. You stood up and shook your head.

"Oh no...I...don't really...sleep nowadays," you grabbed Michael's cup from the table, holding it along with yours. Walking into the kitchen to wash them, you sensed Michael follow you.

"Let me help you," he extended his hand, but you shook your head.

"No, no, it's fine," you quickly turned on the tap and rinsed the utensils. Several seconds passed before you turned to look at Michael. His eyes were slightly dark, and he looked a little troubled.

"You said you...hardly sleep?" he frowned.

"Oh," you tucked a few strands of hair behind your ear. "Yeah I....have insomnia," you let out a breath. "Sleep eludes me, for the most part," you leaned against the granite counter and folded your arms.

"I think I have an idea as to what that feels like," he responded. "I have a hard time sleeping at night as well," he shoved his hands into the pockets of his large coat. "So trust me, I can understand," he inhaled deeply. "But I really should get going," he shook his head slightly. "I have a photo shoot tomorrow," he chuckled a little.

"Right," you smiled slightly. "Your face looks all better,"

"Ah, thanks to you," he gestured to you. "I can show up to the studio without worrying about how to weave a lie," he found himself smiling widely.

"And you won't have to tell them that you were hit by a girl," you giggled softly.

"Whew, amen to that," he swallowed. "Uh...." he trailed off after a few seconds. "I don't believe you ever mentioned your name," his eyes sparkled slightly.

"Right!" your eyes widened. "I hadn't given you my name, how rude of me!" you rolled your eyes slightly.

"No, no, it was rude of me not to ask," he replied. "But...(Y/N)," he said your name. The way he said it made you melt a little inside. "It's a beautiful name, and it suits you," he studied you. "Very much,"

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