•❊Distinguished|Part Ten❊•

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You and Michael were seated on the grass, looking at the view. He had led you to a place on campus that overlooked a small lake. The area was quiet, and no one was around. You hadn't even known that a place, like so, existed. Michael looked calm as he looked ahead of him. You constantly glanced at him, noticing that he had a small smile on his face.

"(Y/N)," he looked at you. "I can tell that you're staring at me," he stared at you, allowing you to notice how beautiful his eyes were in the light.

"Sorry," you looked down.

Michael stayed silent, looking ahead of him once again.

"You know, I had no idea that this place existed," you spoke. "It's beautiful,"

"Not many students know that this place exists. In fact, most teachers don't know either," he chuckled. "Everyone's always too occupied to notice the beautiful aspects of the campus," he sighed. "But I am the oldest teacher here," he looked back at you.

"You don't look very old," you responded with a small smile.

"Sometimes, things aren't as they seem," he kept his eyes on you. "There's always something more to a person's story," he looked ahead of him again. "Always,"

You nodded slowly and kept your eyes on him. He was so mysterious, making you want to find out more about him. He was so smooth, and he almost seemed perfect.

"You know, professor Jackson, I have to admit," you spoke again. "You seem so...perfect," you let out a breath. "Without a flaw. You're good looking, smart, and you always know what to say," you shook your head. "You seem like you have everything,"

Michael chuckled and shook his own head, looking up at the sky. "I don't have everything," he looked at you. "Because the one thing I want.....I can never have," he kept his eyes on yours. Your heart began to race, making you nervous. This man's stare was intense.

"And....what is it that you want?" you asked.

He stared at you for a moment longer. Again, his eyes seemed to be changing color, but you chose not to say anything.

"I...." he trailed off, closing his eyes before opening them and looking away. "I can't say,"

"You can always tell me, you know," you said. "We may share a simple teacher-student relationship, but I'm a person you can trust," you grinned.

Michael let out a breath and laughed a little. "I know that," he said back. "But what I want is...complicated," he fiddled with his fingers. "It's better if you didn't know," he looked down. "Who knows? Perhaps one day, you'll find out,"

"Hopefully," you giggled a little. "Well," you glanced at your wrist watch. "I've got a class in a few minutes, I should get going," you stood up.

"Yes," Michael stood up as well. "I want you to attend all of your classes," he studied you. "And perhaps you can stop by my office, later this afternoon so I can help you with some of your math problems,"

"That sounds great," you nodded, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

Michael's gaze stayed on you for a minute before he cleared his throat and looked away.

"I'll walk you to your class,"


Michael had walked you to your class, and you were currently seated at the back of the theater. It was an english class, and you were quite bored. You liked the subject in general, but today, your mind was distracted. Fiddling with your pen, you stared at the professor as she spoke into the microphone.

Your eyes were closing, and you felt tired.

"I want a five page essay written, based on the lesson from this afternoon," the professor spoke. "It's due two days from now," she continued. "That'll be all for today,"

Everyone stood up, making their way out. You closed your book and tossed your items into your bag before standing up. You put the handle over your shoulder and sighed, turning around to leave.

As you walked out, someone tapped your shoulder from behind you. You turned around and saw Mason.

"Mason," you broke into a small smile. "Hey,"

"Hey," he smiled widely. "Where are you off to now?" he inquired.

"Oh, I think I might go to the library for a bit,"

"That's great," he nodded. "Can I...join you?"

You laughed a little and nodded. "Sure, that'll be nice,"

You walked along with Mason, moving along the vast grounds. Many students were walking about, chatting loudly. You and Mason conversed for a bit, casually laughing here and there.

"I still can't believe professor Daniels wants a five page essay," he referred to the english professor. "I'll just write really big words to fill up the space," he chuckled.

"Sounds like a good idea!" you exclaimed.

"No, it does not," a familiar male voice spoke from behind you. You and Mason turned around to see Michael, standing there.

"Professor Jackson," Mason greeted him, but Michael kept his eyes on you.

"(Y/N), shouldn't you be in my office?" he questioned.

"Well...I have some free time so I thought-"

"Perhaps we should get going," he stared at you. "Now,"

"But I-"

"Do you not want my help?" he responded.

"Professor Jackson, you can't just-"

"My office," he said firmly. "Now," he added before turning around to walk away, leaving you shocked.

Thank you so much for reading!
Lemme know your thoughts!❤
Lots of love!

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