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You were seated on the large sofa, laying comfortably in your boyfriend's arms. The huge living room was quiet, and the television screen was turned on, playing a movie that your boyfriend had purchased. Michael, your significant other of eleven months, had chosen to view a horror film - and as much as you weren't necessarily a fan of those, you wanted to give it a chance, to keep an open mind.

As you sat there, you could smell the strong cologne that Michael was wearing, and it seemed to be intoxicating you - making you feel a little out of place. His scent was strong, and you loved it - smelling his cologne always made you feel safe. He was currently running his fingers, gently, through your hair - his eyes glued to the television screen.

You, on the other hand, would constantly hide your face, or scream when something frightening happened. Michael found this rather amusing, but you certainly didn't. You were sure that the horrific images would give you nightmares for life. But, Michael liked it, so you chose not to complain.

"Hey, I'm going to use the bathroom, can you wait down here?" he picked up the remote and paused the film as you moved away from him a bid to let him get to his feet. "I've paused the movie, so relax," he grinned a little. You wanted to tell Michael that you were scared as hell, but you didn't want to say it - even if your behavior was displaying otherwise.

"I'll be right here," you nodded.

He winked at you before making his way to the staircase, proceeding to ascend it slowly. Once he was gone, you turned your back and leaned back against the comfortable sofa, relishing the softness of the cover material. The quietness was serene, bringing you some peace of mind. After several seconds, you began to hum a soft tune to yourself. You had quite a beautiful voice when you sang with your head voice, but Michael knew nothing of this. He didn't even know that you sang.

A small smile etched itself onto your face as you realized that your pitch was perfect.

Then, as if out of nowhere, you feel someone push you from behind - yelling the word boo.


"Oh my God!" you jumped up, immediately getting to your feet. He had given you such a fright that tears had formed in your eyes. He burst into laughter, shaking his head as you swallowed. He may have found it funny, but you didn't. Your hands were trembling, reminding you that you were still in a state of shock.

"You...you should have...seen your...face!" he doubled over with laughter. "Ah! I got you good! I'm so glad that the floors are carpeted, otherwise, you would have heard me!" he clapped his hands together.

You brought your hands up to your chest, feeling your rapid heartbeat as you began to cry silently.

"And your voice is amazing, I-" he stopped when he noticed that you were crying. "Hey," he rushed up to you. "What's wrong?" he seemed quite worried.

"Y-You...shouldn't have done that. I was so scared, Michael. It isn't funny," you pouted slightly. Instantly your husband's face lit up a little.

"Oh, baby," he gently placed his hands on your shoulders. "Did it scare you that much?" he asked as you nodded. "God, I am so sorry. I wasn't thinking when I did that," his eyes were sincere.

"Yeah, but you still did it," you mumbled sadly.

"Honey, please don't cry," he pleaded. "Don't be mad at me. I'll make it up to you,"

You sniffed and rolled your eyes slightly.

"I will, I promise. What do you want to do? Shopping?" he became frantic as a few more tears began to stream down your face. "Okay, how about we go out on the rides...or I make you something special to eat..." he went on, but you still did not respond, subtly telling him that that was not what you wanted. "Do you want to go to Disneyland?" he then offered, knowing just how much you loved that place. But again, you refused. "Or do you want to go out for ice cream and-"

Your face lit up as you brought your eyes to meet his, making him break into a musical chuckle. At this point, you were almost like a vulnerable little girl that needed to be taken care of - but Michael didn't mind. He loved all of you. Flaws and all.

"So you want to go out for ice cream?" he asked in a bid to confirm the implication.

"Yes," you managed to break into a smile as you nodded. "I could never say no to an ice cream,"

Shoving his hands into the pockets of his pants, he let out yet another musical chuckle. He just loved you so much. "Please don't be mad at me," he brought his hand up to tuck a few strands of hair behind your ear.

You stared at him and tilted your head slightly to the side. "I won't be mad at you this time, but you better not do it again or I swear I will not talk to you for an entire month," you held your index finger up at him.

Upon hearing your words, his eyes widened in amusement. Every word you uttered, and every look you gave was precious to him. In his eyes, there was no one, but God, above you.

"You've got it," he leaned in and kissed your cheek. "I'm never going to do that to you again. A month without talking to you will make me go insane," he laughed, making you do the same.

"And a moment without you would kill me," you responded as he moved to place his hands gently on your waist. Resting his forehead against yours, he looked into your beautiful eyes and smiled that smile you always loved to see.

"I would say that a second without you would damage a part of me, but there are no parts of me left - none that belong to me, at least. You have all of me," he breathed.

A blush rose to your cheeks, bringing a sparkle to your slightly swollen eyes. By now, you had forgotten the way that you had felt when Michael had scared you.

"Just as you have all of me," you smiled. "We both belong to each other," you remarked as he nodded slightly.

The two of you gazed into each other's eyes for a full minute before he moved to plant a chaste kiss on your lips. Once he had done this, he pulled away, breaking into the widest grin as you did the same.

"Now," he rubbed his palms together. "Let's go out for that ice cream,"

Ugh this one sucked so bad :(
But I did say that my imagines during my fasting season would be bad. Sksksksksksk.
Thank you so much for reading!
Lemme know your thoughts!❤
Lots of love!

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