•❊Mistaken|Part Two❊•

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Michael had had a car waiting for him, and he had just gone to tell his driver to go on without him. You were standing at the bridge, waiting for Michael. The sky was now very dark, and the beautiful stars were out. You fiddled with your fingers as you tried to bring yourself to understand the situation. You could not believe that you had met Michael Jackson. If it was all a dream, you never wanted to wake up.

A few seconds passed before you spotted Michael walking back to you. He had his hands shoved into the pockets of his black coat. "I should not have left you here on your own," he remarked. "I am so dumb," he let out a small laugh.

You frowned and turned your head to look at him as the two of you began to walk. "First of all, you're not dumb, and second, what makes you think you should not have left me on my own?" you inquired.

He let out a small chuckle and shook his head. "It's dark, and it's dangerous, especially since you are a fine young lady," he responded.

A laugh escaped your lips. "I must admit, I am flattered," you smiled. "But I can take care of myself. No one would dare mess with me because....as you said before - I have bony hands,"

Michael burst into laughter, and so did you. "My," he inhaled deeply. "You certainly know how to lighten the mood,"

You simply kept a smile on your face as you finally reached your car. You walked over to the driver's side and fished out your keys from your purse. Unlocking the door, you opened it as Michael did the same on the other side. The two of you got in before closing your respective doors.

"Now, this car may not be as fancy as the ones you use," you stuck the key into the ignition. "But it gets me from point a, to point b," you started the engine and began to drive.

"Oh, but this car is quite remarkable," he looked around. "You are very neat, I see," he said.

"I like to keep everything in order," you focused on the road. "Are you comfortable?"

"Very," you sensed him nod. "I just hope I am not a trouble to you, this evening,"

"You are far from being a trouble to me," you replied. "Besides, it'll be nice to have some company at home - I'm usually all alone," you ran your tongue over your bottom lip.

"Really?" Michael turned his head to look at you. "Don't you....have a boyfriend?"

"No," you glanced at him before looking back at the road. "Most of my time is spent with myself,"

"Wow," he breathed. "I find that rather hard to believe,"

"Why so?" you took another glance at him before looking at the road again.

"Well, for starters - you are a beautiful woman," he began. "And you're charming. From what I can tell, you're smart," he paused. "And you certainly know how to hit,"

You giggled a little at his words. "I really am sorry for hitting you," you winced a little. "I did not mean to do that,"

"It's fine," you sensed him wave you off gently. "I'm just worried about how I'm going to explain this to my manager," he took in a deep breath. "I have a photo shoot tomorrow, and I don't think I want people to know that I was hit by a girl - a fragile looking one at that,"

"Hey," you looked at him. "I'll hit you again if I have to,"

"I was joking," he held his hands up in defense.

You laughed and looked back at the road. The ride lasted for about fifteen minutes before you finally brought the vehicle to a stop, outside of the building that you lived at. The street was empty, and there was no one around.

"Well, we're here," you took your keys and your purse, opening the door and getting out. Michael followed before the both of you shut your doors. You locked the car and led the way up to the building.

Pushing open the large door, you beckoned for him to enter. Once he had done this, you moved in and let the door shut on its own.

"I live on the second floor, and the elevator is not working," you spoke as you made your way to the large staircase. "So we're going to have to climb," you walked ahead.

"Woah," he followed you. "So you do this...everyday?" he questioned.

"Yep," you exhaled. "Every single day,"

"Ouch," he mumbled, earning a soft laugh from you.

The both of you eventually reached the door to your apartment, making you smile as you felt a sense of relief wash over you.

"Finally," you unlocked the door and pushed it open. "We're here," you grinned at him. "Come inside," you urged him.

He entered your flat before you shut the door. Standing there, he looked around the small living room. There were a lot of photo frames, mounted to the walls, and the entire place smelled like vanilla. There were flowers everywhere, and everything seemed to have a feminine touch to it.

"This is my humble abode," you spread your arms out.

Michael turned to look at you, a small smile on his face. "It's wonderful," he kept his eyes on you. "It really is,"

"It's probably not as good as your mansion, but it's home for me," you gestured to the large sofa. "Have a seat and I'll make the coffee,"

"Oh trust me, living in a large mansion isn't all it's cracked up to be," he commented as you bustled about, fetching the cups and boiling the water.

"But it must be nice," you turned around to look at him. "Having so much space to yourself,"

"It really isn't," he looked down at his hands in his lap. "It gets....rather lonely,"

You bit your lip and walked over to him, settling down onto the sofa - beside him. Gently, you placed a hand on his shoulder. "Well, when the coffee is done, you can tell me all about it," you let your hand fall to your side. "Oh, and you need ice," you stood up. "Let me go and get that for you," he looked up at you with a genuine smile. It was obvious that he trusted you already, despite not even knowing your name. "And when the coffee's prepared, we can talk as much as we'd like,"

It sounded like the perfect evening, it was a beautiful idea. You really wanted to learn about him, and truly understand him. Hopefully, everything would unfold well.

This part sucked!
Thank you so much for reading!
Lemme know your thoughts!❤
Lots of love!

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