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You and Michael had been married for twenty years. The two of you have three children: Mia, 19; Nathan, 18; and Bella, 16. Mia and Nathan are currently in college, so they live on campus - renting a dorm room each. Bella is still in high school, and this is her last year before she graduates.

You and your husband love each other immensely. Your children are the center of your life together, always making you proud. Neverland is the home you share with your family, and it is more than magical.

Life is perfect when you have your loved ones around you.

You tucked a few strands of hair behind your ear as you wiped the kitchen counter. Bella was seated in the living room, watching a movie. Removing the rag from the surface of the kitchen counter, you tossed it into the bin that contained the items you would wash later.

Humming a tune, you began to put the utensils away. It was ten in the morning, and Michael had already left for rehearsals.

Once you had put everything away, you smiled and ran your hands over the loose sweater, that you had on over jeans. You walked into the living room, and saw that Bella was watching Peter Pan, her father's favorite. She was able to relax since it was a Saturday, and she didn't have school.

Settling down next to her, you let out a breath as she looked at you.

"Watching Peter Pan, I see," you grinned. "Your father loves that movie,"

Bella laughed a little and nodded. "I guess that's where I take after him," she ran her fingers through her curly hair.

"I agree," you chuckled. "You take after your father in more ways than one,"

"I agree," she said before the two of you burst into laughter.

A moment passed before the laughing ceased. Suddenly, the telephone began to ring - making you stand up. Walking over to the device, you picked up the receiver and held it to your ear.

"Hello?" you spoke.

"Hello, (Y/N)," a male voice greeted you. "It's Frank,"

He was Michael's manager, and the two of you had become good friends.

"Frank," you smiled despite the fact that he couldn't see you. "What's up? Are you at the arena with Michael?"

You heard as Frank paused for a moment, as if thinking of what to say.

"I am, and we have a slight problem," he responded.

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