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You were seated in the foyer of the hospital, waiting patiently for the doctor to call you back into her office. You had been feeling rather ill, lately, so you decided to get a blood test taken. You were almost sure that you were pregnant, and you were frightened if that was to be confirmed.

You were currently seeing the man known as: Michael Jackson, the King of Pop. Yes, the one and only, the best entertainer to ever live. Your feelings for him were strong, and so were his for you. Everything was almost perfect. The only problem was that he was married to a woman named Lisa Marie Presley. Your relationship with Michael was a complete secret, and no one knew about it. It had been about a year since you had begun seeing Michael, and every moment spent with him was heaven.

A part of you felt bad for having an affair with a married man, but you loved him dearly. Fiddling with your fingers, you looked around, seeing that the hospital was empty. The doctor's office was right across from you, and her name was Dr. Jenkins. The door was closed, and she was inside.

Biting your lip, you looked around. Your mind was occupied by the idea of possibly being pregnant. You weren't sure what you would do if you were.

Suddenly, the door to Dr. Jenkins' office opened. She had a smile on her face, and an envelope in her hand.

"(Y/N)," she looked at you. "Please come in,"

You stood up and walked toward her as she stepped aside to let you in. You entered the office and she shut the door.

"Please have a seat," she gestured to the chairs that were across from her chair. You sat down, and she moved to do the same on her side. Placing the envelope down onto the desk, she pushed it towards you. "(Y/N), it's good news," she nodded. "Open it,"

Taking the envelope, you opened it and fished out the piece of paper that was inside. Looking at the results, your eyes widened.

You were pregnant. 


You walked out of the hospital, envelope in hand. Moving to your car, you fished out the keys from the pocket of your coat. You were still in shock, and a part of you wondered if you could drive. Unlocking your car, you opened the door and got in, proceeding to pull the door shut when you were done.

Sticking your keys into the ignition, you started the car. Tears had formed in your eyes - you weren't sure if you were ready for kids, especially with a man that was already married. Michael had expressed his interest to divorce Lisa, but that had not taken effect yet - meaning that the man you loved, and the father of your baby, was not yours.

Turning on the air conditioner, you reversed out of the driveway before driving along the road. You sped along and looked ahead of you. A part of you was angry at yourself for not being more careful. You did not want your baby to grow up without a constant father figure being around. Heck, you weren't even sure if you were going to keep the baby.

You just weren't sure if you were ready. Keeping your eyes ahead of you. Your car was moving very fast, and you did not know where you were going. You wished you could escape from all your worries. What if Michael didn't want the baby? What if he wanted you to abort it?

After all, he was already married to a woman that wasn't you.

Tears began to stream down your face. You had always wanted children, but you wanted that only when you were married and properly settled down. Your plan could not have unfolded more differently.

Gripping the steering wheel, you noticed that your knuckles were white. You had no idea as to where you were going.

The car moved faster and you closed your eyes for a moment before opening them again. Your eyes widened when you saw a car coming toward you, making you swerve to the side - crashing against a large tree.

The last thing you heard were screams before everything went black.


Your eyes opened slowly and you turned your head. It took you a moment to realize that you were in a hospital. Your best friend, Luisa, was seated beside you. Luisa had always been your rock, and she was the only one who knew about your relationship with Michael.

She was staring at you, making you smile a bit as you sat up. She had listed as your emergency contact, hence, she was at the hospital. You loved her very much, and you were grateful for her.

She had her arms folded, and she looked angry.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" she raised an eyebrow. "(Y/N), you could have been killed," she shook her head. "It's a miracle that you're still alive. You need to be more careful," she groaned a little. "I was so worried about you,"

You bit your lip and smiled a bit, feeling happy to see her. "I know, and I'm sorry," you looked down. "There's just been a bunch on my mind,"

Luisa stayed silent for a brief moment before she unfolded her arms. "Like the fact that you're pregnant?"

Your eyes widened and your jaw fell open slightly. No one was to know.

"The doctor that saw you earlier was the one who mentioned it," she breathed. "Are you going to tell Michael?"

"What should I tell him?" you laughed a little and fiddled with your fingers.

"That he has an unborn child," she raised an eyebrow. "Don't act dumb, I know that he is the only man you've ever been with. That baby is his,"

You placed your hand over your small tummy and sighed. "I don't want to tell him," you shook your head. "He can never know,"

Thank you so much for reading!
Lemme know your thoughts!❤
Lots of love!

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