•❊Near The End❊•

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"You're insane!" Michael exclaimed as you folded your arms lazily, leaning back against the granite kitchen counter.

"I'm not insane," you muttered as you shook your head.

"(Y/N), you can't do this, you can't just leave all of a sudden! The rug will be pulled out from beneath them!"

"I'm not telling the kids, Michael!" you raised your voice. "I'm not going to do that to them!"

At present moment, you and your husband, of ten years ,were arguing. Voices had been raised, and there were a few curses here and there. However, the topic of discussion was rather solemn, and hard to acknowledge. 

You see, several days ago, you had been diagnosed with cancer, the deadly disease that had claimed millions of lives, all around the world. The doctors had informed you that you were currently in the later stages, and that meant that you were surely going to die, you were going to be seperated from the one thing you loves more than life itself - your family.

It had all started when you began to realize that you would wake up early in the morning, run to the bathroom and throw up. In no time, it had seemed to develop into a routine, and Michael was very worried for you. Initially, the two of you had suspected that you could have been pregnant with a fourth child, but after taking a pregnancy test, you concluded that this was not the case - you were not pregnant.

You thought that the bouts of vomiting would, in time, subside - but you could not have been more wrong. Your continous routine, of vomiting, had become worse, and you had become aware that you were losing a lot of weight. This came as a surprise to you, mainly because you enjoyed your food, and you happened to eat a lot. Of course, one would naturally expect an individual to gain weight in the aftermath of consuming large amounts of food - but then again, this was not always the gospel. It depended for each person.

Within a few days, you had transformed into, quite basically, a corpse. A living corpse. Your skin was pale, your frame was incredibly thin, and your eyes seemed to look even bigger, due to the fact that your face was now gaunt.

Michael had tried to persuade to go and pay a visit to the doctor, and after about a week of trying - he was relieved to hear that you were going to do as he asked. Deep down, you knew that there had been something wrong - you just knew it.

And of course, you went to see the doctor, and as you expected, there was something terribly wrong. You had cancer, and you were going to die. You remember freezing when you heard those words leave the doctor's mouth.

"I'm afraid to tell you that it's cancer, (Y/N),"

For a moment, your entire world seemed to have reached an abrupt halt. You didn't want to die. You wanted to see your children grow up and get married. You wanted to stand next to Michael when you gave your daughters away - you wanted to experience it all. But fate was cruel, and you were sure that you would never get to reach those chapters of the story that was your life.

Michael had been devastated when he found out. He just couldn't believe it, he didn't want to lose you. He could not live without you, or so he said. Despite his insistence, you were confident that he would be able to function when you were not there. You knew that he would continue to flourish as a man, and as a father.

It had taken some time for Michael to get used to the idea that, one day, he would be without you. Yet no matter how many times he may have seemed to be totally composed, it was quite obvious that he was broken on the inside - he wanted to scream.

As the days went by, the event of your potential death seemed to be looming. As each twenty four hour cluster moved by, you became weaker and more vulnerable. It truly was a cruel death.

Now, you did not want to tell your kids about your condition, simply because you did not want them to worry or be sad. You loved seeing them playing together and having fun - you could not take that away from them, not even for a minute. And you knew that hiding your situation could have been deemed as wrong or unconventional, but you stood by your intial decision.

When their mother was gone, only then would they be allowed to grieve.

This was all fine and, to a point, rosy until Michael had expressed his thoughts, telling you that he reckoned you should have told the children. This very conversation had brought the pair of you to the predicament that you were currently in. The kids were out for the day, spending time with Janet - so you had the entire Neverland mansion to yourselves. You and your husband had, in the beginning, decided to put on a nice movie, during which you would cuddle.

As if a malicious twist of fate, the situation unfolded a whole lot differently. Words were now being exchanged, and voices were raised. It was enough to drive anyone insane.

"They deserve to know, (Y/N)!" Michael responded firmly. "You are their mother!"

"Yes I know that! Why the hell do you think I'm even doing all this then?" you kept your eyes on him. "I'm their mother, and I don't want to see them hurting, Michael. I wish you would understand me!"

"I'm trying to understand you, but it's impossible!" he yelled. "You're just as complex as you were, the day I married you!"

"Well too bad! If you dislike me being complex so much, then why the hell did you marry me?!"

"Because I love you, (Y/N)!" his voice cracked as he stared at you. Several moments of silence ensued, and tears had already formed in your eyes. You hated arguing with him, despised it. "I....love you....and I....can't..." he looked down and shook his head as he began to cry. "I can't...lose you," his voice became weak.

Instantly, your heart sank when you saw your husband like this. To see him this way was far from what you desired for him. The idea of him being in pain was harrowing, and it was during moments, like these, that you wished you could get rid of the cancer. For the rest of your days, you only wanted to spend it with the man you loved, and the children that completed your existence. It was hard to come to terms with the fact that you would be gone soon, but that was the harsh reality of it all.

With a sad sigh, you walked over to Michael and threw your arms around him as he sobbed. Upon feeling his trembling form, you began to cry as well, silently confirming the fact that seeing your husband in pain caused the same reaction within you.

The two of you were connected, not only in body, but in soul and spirit.

"Oh Michael," you said weakly as he held on to you. "Why must life be so difficult?"

"Stay with me...(Y/N), just stay with me forever," he said, barely audible.

"I'm always going to be with you, forever," you rubbed his back. "In your heart. I'm never ever going to leave you," you reassured him. "One day...several years from now...you're going to be at one of our children's wedding reception, the first of our children. It'll be evening, and everyone will be dancing merrily, enjoying themselves. You will be a proud father, marvelling at what you have accomplished. Then, as the music continues to play, you're going to take in a deep breath and take a walk outside, where you can see the stars," you continued. "The night will be stunning in it's simplicity..." you trailed off. "And then you'll look up to the sky...and see...that amongst all those stars, one rare one exists - one that sparkles only for you," you smiled a little. "And in that moment, you will know that it is me,"

So um, this sucked, my apologies.
Feel free to just delete my book from your reading system.
This honestly sucked the most, out of all that I have happened to write.
I wouldn't even describe this piece as having been written - it was more of, created out of pure mockery.
Thank you so much for reading!
Lemme know your thoughts!❤
Lots of love!

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