The Vampire Equal Education Law

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Alexander was bored.

Everywhere he looked, cameras flashed momentarily blinding him. A few months ago, he would have relished being in the spotlight. Now, he couldn't wait to be out of it. The King had made it very clear. Alexander had to take his responsibilities seriously. If any more scandals arose, well, Alexander had been reminded that he wasn't an only child. 

"Ladies and gentlemen," Violet began. "Today, we have come together in our agreement that everyone deserves an education. We have battled hard and long to educate and expand our belief that two different yet very similar species can learn side-by-side with one another. Today, I am happy to announce that our goal has finally become a reality."

A loud rousing cheer erupted from the seated audience. More cameras flashed among the sea of faces. 

Alexander clapped with the rest of the lawmakers and organization leaders up on stage. Quite frankly, he was just there as an advertising tool. It wasn't like he supported the Vampire Equal Education Law. If co-existence was truly the goal, Violet and her people should have focused on having a vampire in seats of power like in the White House, as Majors, or even Principals. She should have focused more on the voting system than anything else. 

There were more humans than vampires. No one wanted vampires with authority. The King's title was just that, a title. It didn't do anything. If everyone stopped living in fantasies, they would see that humans wanted to remain in charge. Alexander didn't blame them. 

For the twentieth time that night, Alexander shifted in his chair. Violet's speech would go on for twenty more minutes. Then the lawmakers and organization leaders would speak their part and tell everyone how they had to contribute to the cause because it was the right thing to do. After they spoke, they would sign the document but that was more for show than the actual signing. That had already taken place. There would be a Q&A section before everyone was directed to the ballroom for a fancy dinner and celebration. 

This had all become possible through his efforts while attending school. He'd been told that the students and teachers had been interviewed over having a vampire in school. Rin hadn't mentioned an interview so maybe that data had just been made up to keep people happy. Either way, it was a headache. 

As the last of the organization members finished her speech, Violet stepped up to the podium clapping. Once again, the audience erupted in cheers. 

"Thank you everyone for those kind words," she said. "Now, as promised, we now open up the floor to questions that you might have at this time."

Alexander looked down at his watch. It was 9 pm. He would have liked to be gone by now but his presence was required for the full event. The King didn't care if he'd already made plans for tonight. 

Depending on how the Q&A went, he'd be stuck here longer than he wanted to. Violet sure liked to open a lot of cans of worms. Not to mention that this was his first public appearance since the whole scandal. What had the King been thinking?

"This is for the Prince," said the first reporter.

All eyes turned to Alexander. He glanced at Violet. Her composure had faltered. Had she not known this would happen? 

"Do you have a comment about your false imprisonment?" the reporter continued. "Will you counter sue?"

The room held its breath. Violet looked ready to direct the questions towards the actual signing of the law. Alexander gave her a look and she took a step back. Almost tiredly, Alexander stood from his chair and walked to the podium. Quite frankly, there wasn't much he could say. He and Rin had agreed that the truth about what happened would be known to only the people involved but the public wasn't going to be happy with that.

"Good evening," he began. "I'm aware that there has been a lack of information regarding my imprisonment. As you all know, I allowed myself to be taken into custody as a sign of goodwill. The authorities have their job to do. As another member of society, who am I to interfere with that? 

"However, I will say this. The one responsible for those crimes has been dealt with accordingly. That is all that I will be speaking on that matter. Now, if anyone has actual questions over the Vampire Equal Education Law, we'll be more than happy to answer them. Thank you."

As Alexander stepped away, the reporters jumped up, shouting their questions. Violet immediately stepped up to the podium asking for questions about the new law.  Alexander ignored them all. He forced himself to sit back in his chair. If it had been any other time, he would have left but not tonight. 

Tonight, he stayed. 

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now