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"Don't you hate me?" I whispered, sniffing.

Diane placed her hands on her hip. "Miss, I could do no such thing. You did not hurt His Highness."

It was late evening, the second day after being released from the palace. The Royal families had given any explanations to anyone. According to my parents, the only thing on tv was about the lockdown. There was even speculation that the treaty was in jeopardy right after it was signed. Not surprisingly, there wasn't any news of the assassination attempt. Maybe it had taken two days to release everyone because guests were being influenced about what they remembered. To be honest, it wasn't a bad plan.

Guards had escorted my parent and me back to the royal house. Since Alexander had given orders to take us back home, we were to remain at his house. Maybe they thought I had something to do with it. If I were in their shoes, I would suspect myself too. How could I have been so dumb? Even if Alexander had been upset with me, he would have said something if he'd changed his mind. How could I believe Alexander wanted me near the stage?

Embarrassment and guilt didn't let me leave my room. My parents tried to console me as much as possible but they had been allowed to go to work. I was sure they were being monitored too. The worst part was that no one had told me anything. Cassidy hadn't sent me any messages. Even the palace staff wouldn't talk to me.

Diane was the only one who came and left without an issue. She made sure I had eaten something and had practically dragged me to make sure I showered.

I pulled my covers over my head as tears threatened to fall. The tightness in my chest hadn't gone away since the assassination attempt. Why was she being so nice to me?

"I would hate me."

The bed dipped beside me and Diane pulled the covers off my head. She had a scowl on her face.

"Don't say such nonsense. You are not responsible."

"Then why won't they let me see him?" I asked, my voice hoarse. 

Sighing, Diane took my hand. "No one has seen him," she told me. "I'm sure the doctors are doing everything they can right now."

"But they won't tell me where he is."

"It makes sense doesn't it?" she asked. "Someone tried to kill His Highness. They're being cautious."

"Everyone thinks I planned this."

Diane shook her head. "Do you think you would be here if they suspected that? Of course not. Don't make silly things up." She stood. "Now, get some rest."

She picked up the food tray with my half-eaten meal and left, turning the light off on her way out. In the darkness, even as the minutes stretched, I couldn't sleep. How could I? The last time I had seen Alexander was right before he was shot. There had been so much blood. He'd been in pain and I hadn't done anything to help him. 

What if I never saw him again? I covered my mouth as a sob choked me. How could I live with myself if that happened? We even argued. I was so stupid and selfish. I should have agreed to stay at his side for as long as I could. 

The desire to see him swelled in my chest. I had to tell him. What if he thought that I hated him? What if he thought I didn't want to be with him anymore? I shook my head. I couldn't let that happen. I had to see him.

Before I knew what I was doing, I was already stepping out into the hallway. It was late. I was sure there were servants out and about but I didn't care. I had to find Alexander. 

The corridor was long and dark. The only light was from the windows to my right. To be honest, I had no idea where I was going. My feet were moving on their own. It's almost as if they followed a quiet call only they could hear. 

Even if my roaming amounted to nothing, it felt better than staying cooped up unable to do anything. I couldn't be sure how far I walked. All the hallways looked the same. At this point, I couldn't feel the cold or any warmth. There was only numbness in my chest. 

I wandered around for what felt like an hour until there was only one door at the end of the hallway. There weren't any guards as far as I could see and yet, someone was pulling me closer to it. It felt like a whisper in my head. It was similar to Allure but not quiet. This was softer, beckoning instead of commanding. 

"A-Alexander?" I called out.

There was no reply. 

I stepped closer, my knees trembling. Even if there was no reply, something told me Alexander was on the other side of that door. It was cold when I touched it. I pulled at it but the door wouldn't budge. Or maybe, I had no strength to pull it open. 

My throat closed up. I wiped my eyes quickly. No. I wouldn't cry. I couldn't let Alexander hear me cry. He'd feel terrible about it. I couldn't do that to him right now. Even if I couldn't see him, I knew he was just out of reach. I had to show him that I was fine and safe. 

Taking a deep breath, I sat outside the door and leaned my head against it. 

"Everyone is so worried about you," I whispered. "I am too but only because your fans are going crazy without seeing you. I'm sure they'll start posting that I'm keeping you away from them."

My chin trembled.

"Don't worry," I forced out. "I got it covered. I'm an expert now. So - " my voice trembled. I cleared my throat. "So, rest, okay? We got it covered."

I covered my mouth with both hands. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. 

"I wasn't hurt," I choked out. "According to the doctor, I'm in perfect health so you don't have to worry about me. I'm so healthy, you wouldn't believe it."

"A-and, everyone knows that the great Vampire Prince can't be hurt and you're just taking a vacation so, take as long as you need. Don't rush. I'm in no hurry."

I swallowed thickly. This time, I couldn't stop the tears.

"I - I'll wait as long as I have to. So, just rest, okay? I'll be here."

Pulling my legs against my chest, I rested my forehead on my knees.


The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now