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Going back to school was awkward, to say the least. I couldn't look anyone in the eye. Well, to be honest, I didn't have to. Cassidy and Alexander used their Allure to diverge people's attention from me. It's the least they could do, they said but to me, they were helping me hide.

"I'm making sure no one threatens you," Alexander told me, once I expressed my feelings. "There is a huge difference. That's just scummy."

We walked to my locker and the crowd parted before us. Cassidy had caught up with her group. She hadn't said much to us. Did she know we spent the night together? Nothing happened but I still felt guilty. She and Alexander hadn't officially ended their engagement.

Alexander's fan club waited for me at my locker.

"I'll see you in class," Alexander muttered.

He quickly pecked my cheek before leaving. The girls squealed and circled me as he left.

"Um, hey guys," I said.

"How are you?" Brissa asked instead.

"I think Rin's doing just fine," Amber said with a wink.

"I thought that statement you made was awesome," Sandra added. She held up her phone. "You're trending."

I glanced at the screen and raised an eyebrow. "Homewrecker?"

"What? No," she quickly said. "This is another celebrity. You're everyone's OTP."

"So," Kerrie said, hooking her arm in mine. "Are you and the Prince official again?"

"No," I said, unwinding our arms.

Brissa frowned. She pointed in the direction Alexander had walked away to. "What was that all about then?"

Before I could reply, they moved closer around me.

"Are you two-?" Sandra began.

"No, no," I quickly replied. "The kiss, that was all the Prince. I didn't know he was going to do that. We're not together at all."

The girls shared a glance.

"We're not judging," Amber said. "We're rooting for you two."

"So, you can tell is everything," Brissa added. "We're like your handmaidens."

"I'm sorry, my what?" I asked.

"Oh my gosh, yes!" Sandra exclaimed.

"I don't think that's how it works," I told them.

"What about the Princess?" Kerrie suddenly asked. "How did she take all this?"

"I can't say," I told them. "We, uh, haven't talked that much, to be honest."

"I can't believe she's showing her face."

The whisper came from behind me. My face burned. All four girls turned to look for the culprit, glaring at anyone who met their gazes.

"Leave it," I said. "It's not worth it. Besides, we need to get to class."

After I was done at my locker, they escorted me to my class. I waved at them before walking inside. Cassidy and Alexander were already in their seat.

'No progress yet,' Alexander told me.

I nodded showing him I understood. However, I had to admit that it was suspicious that Cassidy hadn't been able to confirm if the leak came from her people. Alexander had been able to figure it out almost immediately.

Maybe I'm being paranoid, I thought to myself. They were visiting after all.

It was like this for a few days. Brissa, Amber, Sandra, and Kerrie would keep me up to date on the public's opinion every morning and during lunch. Alexander kept his distance, only spending time with me before I went to bed and Cassidy had nothing to report.

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now