Last Minute

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The next morning, I found my mom with 'Arthur', Alexander's alias while he was here, in the living room. 'Arthur' was a black kitten that made my mom forget that she had a daughter. Watching her pamper him made me want to reveal the truth to her. She was pampering the Vampire Prince. 

"You know," Dad said with toast in his mouth. "I would never believe your mom was ever a cat person. I can't believe you convinced her to adopt a cat."

I looked away. "Y-yeah," I stammered out. "Adopt." I cleared my throat. "I think we should just give him back to the shelter. He bites me."

Dad placed a sympathetic hand on my shoulder. "He ignores me," he admitted. "Arthur follows me around, watching me. It's weird. He doesn't let me pet him."

It was a bit strange hearing him say that. "It's okay, Dad," I said. "He's not that soft. His fur needs washing. We need to take him to a groomer, don't you think?"

"Yeah. I think he needs to go to the vet too. Get him fixed."

Alexander's ear might have perked up, but I couldn't be sure. Served him right. Wasn't he here for me? Plus, I don't think I could ever come to terms with my mom pampering Alexander. 

Dad and I went into the kitchen and ate our breakfast. Mom joined us a few minutes later with 'Arthur'. She placed him on my lap and fixed herself a cup of coffee. Alexander curled up in my lap. I had half a mind to place him on the floor.

Strangely enough, Alexander decided to catch a ride in my backpack. He was probably hiding from his vampire bodyguards or something. I couldn't exactly blame him, but irresponsible shouldn't be in his vocabulary right now.

"How's school?" Dad asked me. "Has there been any incidents?"

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. "Dad, if something happened, you would know."

He gave me a look. "Are you sure?"

Ouch. I knew I deserved that. I should have told my parents about Micah sooner. I should have also told them I snuck out to meet my tormentor and made a deal with the vampire mafia. So far, Camellia hadn't appeared to collect. I'm sure it was just a matter of time.


"Huh? Oh, yeah. I am."

He gave me another look but didn't say anything.

Lisa and Cassidy met at the entrance. There weren't any designated drop-off spots for vampires or humans so, I spotted them immediately. They even waved.

"New friends?" Dad asked.

I shrugged. "We eat lunch together. Nothing else. Cassidy and I have class together."

"Cassidy, huh? Which one is she?"

"She's the shorter of the two," I replied. I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Bye, Dad. I'll see you at home."

Before he could ask any more questions, I grabbed my backpack and left. Cassidy and Lisa waved again and it wasn't exactly subtle. Awkwardly, I waved back. I heard a protesting meow behind me. Oh, right. 

I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to kill me. 

We hadn't exactly thought this through. How was Alexander going to escape from my backpack without anybody noticing? If the humans wouldn't, the vampires would. Did Allure even work on vampires? 

"Rin, hi," Cassidy said with a bright smile. "Ready for class?"

"Uh, yeah?" I said. "I mean, class isn't too exciting. It's just class."

Lisa placed a hand on Cassidy's shoulder. "Lisa has always had tutors," she said. "She gets excited about everything."

Cassidy smacked Lisa's arm. "Hey, that's not entirely true. You know how my parents are. They think every time I walk out the door I'm going to get hurt."

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now