Playing Dress Up

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"How about these?"

An assistant rolled a large rack of gowns towards the seating area where I sat. Somehow, I managed to keep the deep sigh from coming out. I plastered a small smile before sitting up.

It had been almost two hours and I wasn't even close to finding a gown. Most of a good hour was a presentation by the staff and asking if I needed anything. Camellia sat beside me, directing the three staff members to bring their most elegant gowns.

Even as I had shifted through all the gowns, there weren't many that I liked. They were all too fancy, low cut, and exposing. A few caught my attention and those were put aside for me to try on later.

"Is this necessary?" I asked Camellia. "You could have easily chosen something and told me to wear it."

"Really?" she asked. "I seriously doubt that Miss Borek."

"So, what?" I asked. I gestured to the boutique. "Is this supposed to give me a sense of control?"

"Of sorts," she replied. "Besides, you are our guest. We can't have you seen in just any dress. All eyes will be on you."

Frowning, I crossed my arms. "That's the issue. I don't want all eyes on me. All eyes should be on the Royal family. Why do I have to get involved?"

Camellia chucked. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that."

My face burned. I knew why I was involved and nobody else should. Camellia was part of the mafia so, of course, she knew and I was sure the King and Violet knew too.

If anything, playing dress-up was one of the reasons why I didn't want my relationship with Alexander to be known. Not only was I not used to the attention, but I also didn't want it. In the public eye, people started asking questions and they didn't respect your privacy. The last thing I needed was people to find out everything about me or my family.

But didn't you agree to this when you agreed to be Alexander's girlfriend?

I thought I had made my choice but I guess I hadn't. Why did I have to be like this?

"Ready to try on the gowns, Miss Borek?"

In response, I stood. Even though I couldn't make up my mind about being in the spotlight, I did know that I wanted to support Alexander and that I had to pay back my debt. Nothing wouldn't have gone smoothly if the mafia hadn't stepped with Micah. The last thing I needed was for him to be set free. I wouldn't put it past the mafia to do it either.

"Sure," I replied. "I'm ready."


It was well past five by the time I made it home. Somehow, I had managed to find a gown to wear that weekend. Camellia said she would take care of the jewelry, heels, and everything else. If choosing the gown was my only job then, I considered myself lucky.

I heard the murmur of the TV when I walked in. My parents waited for me in the living room. Without a word, I sat between them on the couch.

"Did you find something you liked?" Mom asked.

I put my head on her shoulder. "Yeah," I replied.

"It would be nice if you told us about these things earlier," Dad began.

I bit my lip. "I - I honestly didn't know Camellia would show up," I said.

It was a lie but why did I feel so guilty? I never seemed to learn anything. I was such a hypocrite.

"I can say no," I continued. "But I think refusing now will be seen as an insult."

"I think so too," Mom said.

I glanced at Dad. He was pretending to be obsessed by some nature show on TV.

"Hey, Dad," I asked.


"Do you not like vampires anymore?"

He stiffened. My heart squeezed.

"Rin," Mom began.

Dad waved her off. He turned to me. No one spoke. The silence scared me. I knew Dad wasn't perfect but I knew he was more tolerant than most people and he kept an open mind. Was I scared of what he would say? Yes, I was.

"It's not like I don't like them," he began. "I just don't want them so close to my family. First was Micah, then that prince, and they want to invite you to such a big vampire social gathering?" He shook his head. "I don't like it."

I looked down at my lap. "I know what you mean," I whispered. "Would it make you feel better if you came with me?"

"Don't be silly," Mom suddenly said. "We weren't invited and I doubt you could take us as your date."

"Hmm, I guess."

"If anything," Mom continued. "Nothing will happen to you. They have a reputation to uphold so we know you'll be in good hands."


My safety wasn't what I was concerned about. How would Alexander react when he saw me? I couldn't tell him the same lie Camellia told my parents. He would ask me for the truth and I didn't know what I was going to say.

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