The Life of a Royal

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"If you need anything, let me know."

The maid curtsied before leaving and closing the door behind her. It was only after she left that I allowed myself to openly gawk at the massive room. It was bigger than four classrooms put together with a massive Kings size bed, a couple of fancy-looking drawers, a vanity set with a huge mirror, and not to mention the comfy-looking bench at the end of the bed.

At a closer look, there was no way this could Alexander's room.  He wouldn't use a vanity set, would he? There were a couple of doors to no doubt leading to large, walk-in closets, and a bathroom. Just across the bed there were four full-size windows with a balcony and overlooking a garden. Across from the door were a couple of love seats around a wooden coffee table in the center. 

I'm dreaming.

I pinched myself. Yeah, I wasn't dreaming.

"Okay, Rin," I said aloud. "Get it together. Text your parents and let them know where you are then, freak out about all of this."

My backpack had been left on the bed. I sat beside it and called my mom first and then my dad. Neither of them answered so I left them a voice mail and sent them each a text message. Had Alexander's guards got a hold of them? Or had that curtsy only been extended to me? There was no way someone would go after them, right? They were my parents. They weren't involved in this. 

I sighed and fell back on the bed.

Who was I kidding? Of course, they were involved. They were my parents. But I had to trust Alexander. He said they were safe. 

There was a small knock on the door. I quickly sat up as it opened. A maid walked in. She curtsied.

"My name is Diane," she said. "I'll be attending to you. If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask."

Diane looked young and maybe a handful of years older than I. She had dark hair and brown eyes.

"Oh." I rubbed the back of my neck. "Um, thanks but you don't have to."

Diane shook her head. "His Highness was very adamant about making you feel at home."

Biting my lip, I stood. "I don't want to be a bother -"

"That could never be possible Miss," Diane quickly said. "You are a guest here. I assure you, your stay here will be comfortable."

"O-okay. Thank you."

"His Highness is out at the moment but will return soon. In the meantime, I'll bring you some refreshments."

Diane curtsied and left. I stared after her with a gaping mouth. This was . . . surreal. I didn't know how to feel about this. If anything, it did make me feel like a burden. I shouldn't be here. Alexander and I weren't dating. Did being the girl he liked permit me to stay in his house under protection? It didn't feel right.

Almost ten minutes later, Diane returned with refreshments, as she called it. She carried a jug of what looked like lemonade and a small cookie display on a tray. Diane placed the jug and cookie display on the coffee table. She even poured me a glass of lemonade and set a small plate out for me.

"If these aren't to your liking, we have pastries."

I swallowed thickly. 

"N-no," I stammered out. "They're fine."

Hesitantly, I approached the coffee table and sat on the largest love seat. Was this really okay? 

"I've asked for the other maids to bring you some attire for you to relax in."

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