Taking Care of Business

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At exactly 9 pm, the first meeting ended. Funding for the new synthetic bloodline had been approved. All that was left was to advertise the "new and approved" version. 

Alexander nodded goodbye to the executives as they rose to depart. In the empty room, the Vampire Prince leaned back on his chair, drained. He closed his eyes wishing he was anywhere but there. If he remembered correctly, there were two more meetings to attend and one of those was with an Ambassador. Would he be able to meet Rin on time? He hated having her stay up for him. Sleep deprivation was the last thing he wanted for her.  

Sighing, Alexander looked at his phone. Rin hadn't sent him any more messages. Was she busy? Maybe she was eating a late dinner. 

"Young Master."

Alexander looked at his assistant. Henry was one of those early foot-in-the-door types of guys. His father was a low-level executive with some pull. They had done something for the King which is why Henry was now serving under the Crown Heir. 

"Sir, you wanted me to inform you about anything concerning Miss Borek," Henry began. 

He sat up. "Did something happen?"

"She got detention," Henry quickly said. 


"She hit someone it would seem."


"I - I'm not sure."

Was that the reason she needed to talk to him? What could have caused her to do that? Had someone attacked her? At the thought, Alexander stood. The sooner he figured out what had happened, the sooner he could take care of it. Who would dare to go against him?

"S-sir? Where are you going?" Henry asked. "The meeting starts in five minutes."

But Alexander didn't answer him. He had more pressing issues to take care of. 

The Borek's home was dark when he arrived. Doing a quick scan of the house revealed at all three of them were in the living room. He heard them talking about Mr. Keys, but why did they need their lawyer? Henry was so useless at times. Shaking his head, Alexander manifested into the house and shifted into a kitten. 

As always, he inserted memories of their kitten, Arthur, into Rin's parent's memories. It had been easier than expected. The Borek's had always wanted a pet and from there, Alexander had build memories of them deciding to adopt their pet. Plus, it was nice to get pampered once in a while. 

"Oh look who it is," Mrs. Borek said.

Alexander allowed her to pick him up. Mr. Borek frowned at him but didn't say anything. There was a reason he'd never let Mr. Borek hold him because it was weird. Alexander was dating Rin and, regardless if her father knew that or not, it would still be weird to let her dad pet him. Mrs. Borek was different. She seemed like the kind of person who wouldn't mind having him date her daughter. Mr. Borek didn't.

Alexander turned to Rin. She watched him with a strange expression. He couldn't tell if she was happy to see him or not. Usually, he could always tell, but today, he couldn't. He wiggled out of Mrs. Borek's hold and walked over to Rin. Glancing at her, he hopped onto her lap and sprawled across it.

"Looks like someone missed you," Mrs. Borek teased.

If she only knew. He had missed Rin. He missed spending time with her. But all he had to do was to hold out until after the Ball and there wouldn't be any more big responsibilities on his plate.

Looking up at Rin, he snuggled against her. Rin wouldn't talk to him until much later. Perhaps she wouldn't tell him what had happened at all. It could be something else entirely that she wanted to talk about.

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now