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It was quiet the following days. I went to school just like normal. Cassidy and Alexander kept their distance from me and each other. Strangely enough, I saw Lisa and Sonia together while Miguel and Connor stuck to Cassidy like glue. I understood their protectiveness but this looked a little too much. 

However, the most surprising thing was the fact that Brissa, Kerrie, Amber, and Sandra - founders of Alexander's fan club - decided it was time to sit with me as I ate lunch. They assured me that they weren't going to talk to me but occasionally would ask me to confirm some 'facts' about the Prince. Most of their questions revolved around his feeding habits and what would be his ideal date. 

"It's not only us," Amber explained. "Lisa had been asking too and that Miguel guy as well."

I frowned and looked away from my food.


"They were asking about the Vampire Prince," Brissa said, biting into her hamburger. 

"Did they say why?"

Kerrie sighed. "They're fans."

I seriously doubted that but I didn't want to get into it. Had Cassidy asked them to do that? Well, it didn't matter anymore. She had stepped back from a potential relationship with Alexander.

Lunch was coming to an end when Sandra, staring at her phone, slapped the table. We jumped and turned to her. Her eyes had widened and her mouth hung open. 

"What's going on?" Brissa asked.

Instead of answering, Sandra shoved her cellphone into Brissa's face. Brissa leaned back, trying to read it. Shaking her head, she grabbed Sandra's phone and read whatever was on the screen. Her hand flew to her mouth and she stared at the other girls in shock. 

"What?" I asked. "What?"

The four girls gaped at each other for the longest time. I grabbed Sandra's phone from Amber. It was a social media post with links to an article.

'Vampire Princes dating Human. Love Triangle disrupts Marriage.'

The linked articles all had variations of the title on the media post. Reading through the article almost gave me a heart attack. It said that Alexander was allegedly dating someone at this very moment and there were speculations that the marriage would continue. And there, just underneath an article was a picture of Alexander and me. My face hadn't been blurred at all. That was me.

 I gaped at the screen then back at the girls. We all turned to Cassidy and her table. Our eyes locked. She frowned at my panic. Lisa touched her shoulder and drew the Princess's attention to something. Before anyone could say anything, I gave Sandra back her phone, before grabbing her backpack and leaving. I had to get out of there. 

My brain wouldn't think properly. How did this happen? Even with Micah's threat no longer hanging over my head, my face should have been blurred. I didn't care about the article, not really, just the photo. How had they gotten it? Someone had to have sold it to them but who?

I had to find Alexander. He would know what to do. Heck, he might even know why this had occurred.

"Rin," Cassidy said from behind me.

She grabbed my arm, forcing me to stop. I turned around and she quickly stepped back.

"How did it get out?" I asked. "Did you tell someone?"

"I didn't talk to any reporters," she assured me. "The only person I spoke to was my father. We haven't spoken much since that day. It's why I haven't been able to update you on anything."

I thought back to what the fan club had told me earlier. Lisa and Miguel, had they talked to a reporter? No, they wouldn't betray Cassidy like that. And the fan club? Maybe they had spoken to someone but, judging from their reaction, they would have let it slip at that moment. 

"I didn't say anything either," I said. I rubbed my face. "I don't even know where they got that picture. Why did they show my face?"

My eyes burned with unshed tears. Cassidy touched my arm.

"We have to talk to Alexander," she said. "He must have heard or known something. King Rothchester wouldn't approve this."

"What if he did?" I asked. My chin trembled. "What if he did allow this?"

Cassidy pulled me into a quick hug before letting go. "Let's find the Prince, okay?"

Nearly in tears, I walked upstairs. If I knew Alexander, he would be upstairs in the study hall room. We've spent so much in there together. However, we didn't need to go to the room because Alexander met us at the stairs.

"I'm so sorry," he immediately said. "I have no idea who did this."

 I pressed the palms of my hands against my eyes. Alexander rubbed my head. 

"I'll give Mr. Kemler a call."

We walked into the empty room. Both Alexander and Cassidy pulled out their phone and started dialing their lawyers. Realizing I had one of my own, I called Mr. Keys.

"How did this happen?" I asked as soon as he answered.

"Miss Borek, I was about to look into it as soon as I saw it. I'll call you and your parents once I have a bit more information."

I ended the call and waited for the others to look the same. After a handful of minutes, Alexander ended his call.

"It wasn't us," he told me. "I even spoke with our PR person and my family wasn't behind this leak."

"How did they get that picture?" I asked. "It's from our date at the ice-rink."

"I don't know," he said. He stepped closer. "I was careful, Rin. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault," I said. "I just wished they blurred my face. Now, everyone will know who I am."

"We can do damage control," he assured me. "We've done it before. What did Mr. Keys say?"

"He needs more information."

Cassidy ended the call and refused to look at us. 

"What is it?" Alexander asked.

She shook her head. "I  . . ." she trailed. She looked at me, eyes full of apology. "King Caldor was the one who commissioned the article."

"What?" Alexander asked.

I sat down at one of the desks. Why would he do such an underhanded thing? I knew why but, for a person of his position, that was low. 

"Rin," Cassidy said. "I will make it right." She put her hands on her hips. "If anything, this presents an opportunity. My father has given you a lot of leverage, Your Highness, and you need to use it."

 I was barely listening to them at this point. What was I supposed to say to everyone? To my parents? This was worst than when Alexander had attacked me a few months ago. But the worse part of it all was the fact that I couldn't hide from this. Not anymore. 

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now