On a Date

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"At least people aren't staring at us," I said, scrapping the last of my ice cream out of the cup.

"Is that what you're worried about?" he asked.

He looked mildly insulted. Did I say something wrong?

"Uh, yeah," I answered. "I mean, what else would I be worried about?"

He let out an exaggerated sigh. "I'll take that as a good thing. So, apart from eating ice cream, is there anything else you want to do?"

Honestly, I hadn't given it much thought about what we were going to do once we were out and about. What did couples do on a date? I should have done some research beforehand.

Then, it suddenly hit me. "Oh yeah. Let's look at something for you to wear," I blurted out. "You have that ball coming up, right? I doubt your dad is going to let you skip out on it. We can look at something for you."

He laughed. It was a genuine laugh too that made me feel like an idiot. My face warmed.

"Oh Rin," he sighed. "I have tailors that are going to take care of that."

I wondered if I threw something at him if that would hit him. Not to mention that ever since I started dating Alexander, I had become more violent.

"Well, excuse me," I said hotly. "You asked what I wanted to do and I told you."

"Right," he said, swallowing his laughter. "I shouldn't laugh."

"You just realized that, huh?"

Alexander's face suddenly lost all humor. I followed his line of sight and I immediately spotted Cassidy. She was with Lisa, Connor, and Miguel. Had they seen us before or after Alexander had noticed them? It was too late to do anything about that. We were seen.

Lisa wasted no time walking towards us. She didn't look surprised to see us together. Did that mean Cassidy had told her?

"Hello," Lisa said. She waved. "Fancy meeting you two here."

"Hi," I forced out.

Alexander didn't speak. Lisa kept the smile on her face but it was starting to look strained.

I cleared my throat. "You guys shopping for something?"

Lisa looked back at her friends who hadn't gotten any closer. "Kind of," she admitted. "We have a, uh, a party coming up so we're just shopping around. I mean, we know where we're going to get our dresses but we like to look around just for fun."

"Oh, that seems nice."

I thought back to the ball Alexander and Cassidy had mentioned. Was that their 'party' or something else? I thought only important people got invited to the ball. Were they important enough to get invited? No, that couldn't be it.

"What about you guys?" Lisa asked. "You here shopping too?"

"I'm . . . just here for the food," I told her.

She turned to Alexander but he still didn't reply. So much for helping me out here. Lisa's strained smile continued.

"Well, have fun," she said. "I won't take up any more of your time."

She waved again before heading back to her friends. When they were out of sight, I turned back to Alexander.

"Was that necessary?" I asked.

"She's beneath me," he replied. "I don't need to answer her questions."

I shook my head. " I hope you're not going to act like this when you're on the throne."

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