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That night, against my better judgment, I searched around for that vampire forum. While I somewhat trusted Lisa, I didn't trust Miguel. I needed to be sure he wasn't going to post anything about the incident. Well, if he was going to post, he better not mention my name. If I wasn't referenced, I would be okay with that.

I combed the web for the forum before dinner and after dinner and I still couldn't find it. In retrospect, I should have asked them for the actual website. Or maybe only vampires would find the link. It was as if they knew I wasn't a vampire and so my search results didn't show it. Or maybe I was just making things up. Either way, it didn't go so well. I was ready to give up when it finally hit me. I was dating a vampire. Alexander could give me the name of the website.

He had sent me a few messages like 'I'm ready to shoot myself' and 'finally over', 'in my room'. I couldn't help but ask myself if this was how long-distance relationships worked. Would it be better if I called him? Alexander never told me if he was busy or not. What if he was in a meeting? No. It was best to keep texting.

'Are you free right now?' I asked.

Moments later, 'yup. Enjoying a bath'.

Another message appeared, this time it was a picture. He took a selfie of himself in a bathtub surrounded by purple bubbles. There was even a squeaky duck. This was probably the first time I had ever seen him shirtless. Because I could, I saved the picture. This was also the only picture I had of him.

'You look relaxed', I sent him. 'You earned it.'

'Too bad you're not here,' he sent back.

My stomach did a flip. He had a way with words. Well, two could play at that game.

'Yeah. I agree. I would have made a great addition.'

Feeling rather pleased with myself, I started another message. 'Hey, do you know about a for-'

'It could still happen,' he sent. 'Let's not scratch out that opportunity.'

My face burned. Honestly, I couldn't see myself in that situation. Shaking my head, I deleted my previous sentence. I guess he won that round.

'We'll see,' I typed back.

I decided to not ask him about the forum. He'd probably asked why I wanted to know and then I'd be forced to tell him the whole situation. It was better not to distract him. Plus, it wasn't that important right now.

'Do you know when you'll be back?' I asked him. 'Just wondering and there's no pressure.'

'I'm not sure,' he replied. 'They don't tell me anything. I'll keep you posted as soon as I know. It shouldn't be much longer. Missing me yet?'

I smiled to myself. 'If I said yes?'

'I might sneak out and see you'

That was tempting but I shouldn't challenge him. He needed to be responsible.

'Well, I'm okay,' I told him. 'I'll see you when you get back.'

"That's no fun. Alright. Good night.'


When the word got around that Alexander wasn't in school, things started to change. The only reason why I noticed this was because it was so sudden. Somehow, the atmosphere wasn't as thick. More people were talking to each other in the hallway or maybe I just didn't notice people talking, to begin with. Either way, it finally felt like a school again.

I was in a good mood. It was Friday and ice cream waited for me for lunch. It didn't bother me much that I didn't have a partner for Mr. Flora's assignment. The weekend was only a few hours away. The only huddle I had to overcome was Mrs. Ramirez's class.

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now