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*warning: some "strong language"*

You've been warned. 

Read at your discretion. 

Before the next class, Alexander stepped out to make a call. He walked away from the all noise and headed to the second floor. 

Attending school was the least of his worries now. The only reason why he wanted to return was so he could spend time with Rin. He had it all planned out before. After the Ball, he and Rin would have time to themselves. Maybe her parents would invite him over for dinner and he'd get to know them. He would have taken Rin to the palace and showed her around. He would have formally introduced her to his father.

Alexander shook his head. There was no point in thinking about what could have been. It was best to think about what will be. And that meant talking to the mafia. 

Calling them wouldn't be an issue. It was whether or not they would answer. If they did, they might refuse to tell him anything. 

What were they after? They had to have received something for this. Or maybe, they already had. Either way, it was dangerous to make assumptions. 

Even as he stared down at his phone, Alexander hesitated. He had never contacted the mafia before. They were the ones who did the contacting. 

Might as well get it over with, he thought. 

He quickly dialed the number and waited. The line rang for a few seconds. Alexander bit his lip, but the emotion quickly turned to anger. Were they going to ignore his call?! But to his relief, someone answered.

"Your Highness," said a smooth voice. "To what do we owe this call?"

"You know exactly what I'm calling about," Alexander forced out. 

"I'm afraid you'll have to be a bit more specific," the voice said. 

Alexander clenched and unclenched his jaw. "Someone took Rin to the ball. I need to talk to them."

"I'm afraid we can't give out that information," said the voice. 

"You're going to make an exception this time."

It was taking all his power to keep his anger in check. 

"Please hold."

Then, there was silence.

Alexander had to look at his phone to make sure the call was still going. It was. A few more minutes passed. The bell for the next class had even rung. After what was too long, the line was picked up again.

"Your Highness," said a voice. "I'm told you are having issues over our privacy procedures."

"To put it mildly," Alexander replied, "yes."

"I see. What is the nature of your request?"

Why was it that Alexander wanted to reach through the phone and punch the vampire on the other end? He looked down at his cellphone, wondering if he should just end the call. However, he knew he had to go through these hoops. He took a deep breath and repeated the same thing he told the first person.

"I see," the voice said again. "Well, our agents operate in secrecy and our nature of work wouldn't exist without that secrecy."

"You think I'm going to tell the entire world that I know a member of the mafia?" Alexander reported.

"Of course not sir," the voice replied smoothly. "But as I said, we can't give out that information. Not even to the King, I'm afraid."

"That's unfortunate," Alexander told him. "See, because it is a breach of security and law to bring a human to the Ball without proper authorization from the Royal family. I assure you that no permission was given. I would hate for this to blow up into something more than it needs to be.

"Now, I will be willing to look away, if you will, from such blatant disrespect if a certain name was given to me."

There was a long pause of silence. 

"The information will be sent to you."

"Pleasure doing business with you," Alexander answered and hung up. 

Exhausted, he rubbed the bridge of his nose. It was a success, he reminded himself. Just bear with it. 

A few seconds later, his phone vibrated. It was a message containing a number. This wasn't exactly what he was expecting but this worked fine too.

Dialing the number, he only had to wait until the second ring. 

"Your highness," said the voice in greeting. "I was told to expect your call. Congratulations by the way."

Alexander was taken back by the greeting. The agent sounded almost human. 

"You may call me Camellia," she added almost as an afterthought.

"Er, right," he said. "In that case, why did you take Rin to the Ball?"

"Hmm, I understand that it was against protocol," Camellia began.

"Screw protocol," Alexander interjected. "Why bring Rin to the Ball in the first place. What did you hope to gain."

"Ah," she said. "So, that's what this is about. Seeing how you're asking, perhaps Rin hasn't told you yet."

*Warning: language*

"Tell me what?" he practically growled out.

Camellia was silent. "Your Highness, it is not my place to say."

"Cut the bullshit and tell me." 

"Very well," Camellia said. "Rin contacted us a few months ago when you went to prison. I'll spare you all the details but, let's say, you were released and Micah was apprehended." 

"Rin made a deal for my release?" he asked in disbelief. "You accepted such a deal? For what purpose? What did she have for you to take it?"

How could Rin make a deal with the mafia for him? He would have been released sooner or later. It was just a matter of time. 

"I can't necessarily tell you that," Camellia said. "However, I can tell you that Miss Borek accepted the terms of the deal. It's why she went to the Ball as our guest - an unconventional one at that which I apologize."

"But why bring her there?" he asked. 

*warning: language*

"Believe it or not, Your Highness," she said, "we do care about the Royal family. The fact that you, a member of that Royal family . . . was dating a human, was unexpected. It was only fair that Miss Borek knew what she was getting into if she continued her relationship with you."

"Let me get this straight. You brought her there to get her to break up with me?!"

"Not necessarily," Camellia answered quickly. "It was expected. Many humans aren't fond of the idea of having multiple partners. But we merely wanted to show her what was expected of her in the case that she decided to stay with you. 

"We're sorry for your loss. She is a very wonderful person."

"She's not fucking dead!"

"I wish you the best of luck, Your Highness. We won't speak again. Farewell."

"Wait, you bi -"

The call ended.


Alexander forced himself to keep calm. At least now he knew why the mafia had decided to interfere with his love life. 

Now he knew that Rin had saved him. 

"Oh Rin," he said. "Why would you do that for me?"

But he knew the answer to that question. She was probably going to hate him for it, but just once, he needed to hear her say it.

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now