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Alexander did have some good news for me. After the Ball, he would attend school without missing any more classes. Even though we couldn't act like a couple at school, we could at least spend some time together. 

Before going to bed, we spent some time working on some assignments together. Whether he was in class or not, he still had to turn homework in. He was just treated like any other student that missed class. It was nice sitting in silence. There was no need to talk. We were just enjoying each other's presence. We said all that was needed to say. Regardless if I was a bit jealous, I couldn't do anything about it. I was the one who didn't want to go public about our relationship. I think if we had, I'd asked to be his partner for the Ball. This situation came from my decision and I had to live with it whether I liked it or not.

As we worked, I told him about Ian's invitation. He was generally surprised when I told him I was going to attend. Plus, this was a good opportunity to see other neighborhoods. 

"I'm glad you're feeling your way out of your comfort zone," he said. "I'm proud of you."

That made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. It wasn't every day that Alexander complimented me. He didn't say those things just to make me feel better. When he did, his words had more value to them.

"Yeah," I said, embarrassed. I shrugged. "I mean, it also gets a bit boring doing the same thing every day, you know?"

"I know exactly what you mean."

After working on assignments for a few hours, Alexander left as I got into bed. He couldn't tell me why he couldn't spend the night. Said it was a secret. I wasn't too bothered with it since I knew eventually he would tell me. We kissed goodbye and that was it until I saw him again in probably a few days.


There was a strange atmosphere in the air as I walked down the hallway at school the next day. People were talking and they no longer huddled in groups. I even saw vampires and humans smiling at each other and it did warm my heart. School was starting to feel like school again instead of an experiment. 

I was in a good mood. Not even Sonia's resting bitch face was enough to dampen my mood. She still wouldn't talk to me but at least our teacher didn't assign group projects or activities. I was looking forward to the cookout this weekend. 

Cassidy and Lisa sent me a message a few minutes before lunch. They would be running late due to some personal business they had to take care of (probably feeding in the vampire's special lounge) before joining me for lunch. It was no secret the vampire students fed in a separate room. No one knew what went on in there but there were a lot of assumptions going on and, it was kind of obvious too. 

I replied to them and let all the students rushed past me. Today I felt like enjoying the moment. I had no worries. I mean, sure there was still Camellia that I had to think about but, for right now, she didn't exist. It wasn't like the mafia was going to ask me to do anything crazy. They knew the extent of my abilities. For now, I was safe. 

As I headed down the stairs, I saw, perhaps, the strangest thing ever at school. One of the vampire students from my class was being led by the hand of a human female student. It wasn't exactly strange, I admit, but it wasn't something you would see every day. I hadn't realized inter-species relationships had progressed so far and so quickly. But it made sense, didn't it? this was to be expected.

As I watched them round the corner together, something felt off. I was no expert at these sorts of things but the vampire girl looked nervous. Her tick was obvious too. She kept nibbling on her thumbnail. 

Curious, I started to follow them. I wasn't exactly too hungry and it wasn't Friday so, I wasn't missing much of anything right now. And yet, I knew this was not my business but a part of me wanted to know what a relationship between a human and a vampire looked like. How did they go about dating? Did they hide it too or no? 

There was still a crowd in the hallway but I saw the couple easily. They weren't holding hands but they remained close. I doubt I could follow them discreetly since the vampire girl would hear me but if she was this distracted maybe I could. Could you blame me? This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. When was I ever going to be able to sneak up on a vampire? Never. Plus, I would leave if I needed to know. The signs would be obvious. 

The couple headed towards one of the freshmen classrooms. Walking down this hall brought back some memories. Everything had been so new to me and so frightening. Going to school was complete torture. Sonia and Carlos had made it tolerable once I got to know them but before that, I shuddered. I didn't want to go back to the way I was before. 

When the girls walked inside an empty classroom, I followed and stopped just outside the door. This was a  science lab. It had all the tables in the back set up and counter space wrapped around the walls but it was mostly used for big-sized classrooms as opposed to being used as an actual science room. 

The couple stood close to each other, both linked together. Unfortunately, I couldn't hear anything. However, I could tell that the vampire girl was getting a bit more distressed as time ticked by. 

They continued to speak for some more time. Technically, the human girl was doing all the talking. There was a nod from the vampire girl. So, I guessed they had agreed on something. Maybe they decided to tell their parents about their relationship or something. 

I wished I could do that. Well, maybe not. Neither one of us was ready for that. Plus, how do you tell your parents you're dating someone you recently hated not so long ago? That was just awkward. Not only that, I don't think my parents were ready for me to starting dating. Adding to that issue was that Alexander was a vampire. that was two double whammies they weren't ready yet. 

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't give much thought to the couple in the room. I should have respected their privacy instead of being a creep. 

Turning back into the room, the breath got caught in my throat. 

At first, I thought they were kissing but as I stared at them longer, it was clear that they were NOT kissing.

 The vampire girl was feeding on her girlfriend. 

I was speechless. The only thought that went through my head was "no". A sense of dread washed over me. Why were they doing this at school? Why had the vampire girl agreed to this? Didn't they know what would happen if a teacher saw them? There were cameras in place. 

Even if I wanted to stop them, I found myself unable to move. It took me a moment to realize that someone was holding me back. Flinching, I turned around and saw Cassidy. There was a strange look on her face and her gaze was focused on the two girls.

"I'll take care of it," she said quietly. "Just go to the cafeteria, okay?"

When I didn't move, she nudged me towards the hall.

"Please, Rin," she continued, "go. Don't say anything. Please."

She pleaded the last part and it was enough to make me come back to myself. Maybe it shouldn't be me to go in there and stop them. Plus, Cassidy looked pissed enough to scold both of them. I found myself agreeing with her demands. Hands in my pockets, I walked towards the cafeteria. 

A part of me wanted to stay behind and see what would happen, but I didn't turn back. In all honestly, I was dumbfounded. I could understand why the human girl would let her vampire girlfriend feed on her. I'd done the same thing when Alexander was starved (but that was different). This was different though. 

Why school of all places? Just knowing about it made me sick to my stomach. They threatened everything Violet and the vampires wanted just for a quick snack? If the teachers found out about it, vampires would never be able to go to school. The entire movement would take so many steps backs. 

"Miss Borek, are you alright?"

The sound of Mr. Flora's voice startled me. I looked up at him and forced a smile.

"Yeah," I forced out. I gestured wildly in the air. "I was lost in thought, you know? Graduation is next year. Uh, Career exams are next month. Lots of stuff are happening."

He frowned. "Are you sure?" he asked. "You look a bit pale."

"Yeah," I repeated. "It's because I haven't eaten. So, I'm going to get some food. I'll see you later, sir."

Before he could stay anything else, I hurried past him. He suspected something was wrong. Why wasn't I a better liar? Well, that didn't matter. There were other more pressing things to deal with. 

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now